
wow. so many trolls. who knew so many people could get upset about free STI testing?

This story could not mean more to me right now. I have always been pro-choice and just this past month my birth control failed, I became pregnant and had to get an abortion just yesterday. I am not sad, I would have had a miscarriage anyway due to health reasons, I just never wanted to have to use that option.

I work for Planned Parenthood of the Great NW and Hawaiian Islands. Stories such as this one, validate the work I do every day. Makes strolling past the protesters on abortion day, spitting their vitriol absolutely worth it 100 times over. Thank you for this. Thank you so very much.

My response to the haters trying to silence me for sharing my story.

To this day my abortion was the best decision I ever made 10/10 would do again + the drugs are boss

I’ve used the tactic of shutting down the pro-lifers in my IRL life who start opining about abortion, and how it destroys women’s psyches, etc with “I had an abortion. Actually, I’ve had more than one.”

I have a friend who had one, as I did, and she was always kind of afraid to discuss it. I told her I understood it’s not something to run around the office talking about, but never feel bad that you had a tiny bit of cells scraped from your uterus when you were 6 weeks pregnant. My generation fought to get that

Do not get the hate for male dancers. Have people seen male ballet dancers? Solid, glorious muscle. Those guy are strong.

I’m totally behind this woman, and I think it’s awesome that this is getting attention, but I always wish these arguments would go even further. Yes, girls should be allowed and encouraged to dress up as train conductors and firefighters and so on. BUT ALSO, boys should be encouraged to dress up as Elsa from enchanted

Fraudulent sex is assault. Any other verdict suggests we don’t have propriety over our bodies.

Attention all news outlets:

What the fuck is wrong with men? Yet again a spurned man kills. KILLS. Hell hath no fury like a man spurned.

I want to know the rate of white men interrupting men of color. I’m sure it’s a problem, but I haven’t seen it discussed.

I. Fucking. Hate. Manslpaining.

Last week on SNS I posted about my father’s impending death, and so many of you replied to me with your own stories of dealing with dying loved ones. It was more helpful than you can imagine. I just wanted to update and say that my dad died early on Sunday morning, about 10 hours after I posted my story here. It was

My husband and I toured the Paris Catacombs. It was one of the pivotal experiences in my life - I emerged with a profound acceptance of my own mortality, along with some insight into the darker side of human nature. While we were in there, we saw a woman (an American, sunnysunny-blond, moneyed, extremely entitled) pry

Several halloweens ago, I was at a house party with a few friends and lots of people I didn’t know. I walked into the bathroom and walked right in on a nun giving a BJ to Jesus while he was drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cig.

That does give me a business idea — moob trainers!

No, the one good thing about waist trainers was realizing my 9 year old has been listening to me when a commercial came on for them during Little House On The Prairie. Her exact quote was, “I bet there isn’t something like this for men.”