
I forgot to write in about my Earthies flats! They have actual built in arch support and a wide toe bed, and they have been awesome for keeping my plantar fasciitis at bay. They are unfortunately not cheap, though.

I forgot to write in about my Earthies flats! They have actual built in arch support and a wide toe bed, and they

I am always late to the party but I wanted to ask advice:

Couldn’t it be a hate crime even if she wasn’t transgender? I wish they would treat male violence against women as seriously as a hate usually IS a hate crime.

I just watched Asylum, it was disturbing...

1. I think Lexapro is making me a bit emotionally numb. It is getting difficult to know my feelings, is this a sign I need to decrease dosage? (currently 10mg)

I’m female and have this exact same feeling. For me it stems from growing up in an abusive household. Violence was almost always the answer. I never want to live like that again, so I am terrified of situations where I feel I could lose my temper.

I think misogyny is internalized by women of all races, and I’m not sure I follow how sexism supports racial superiority... I think women are just programmed from birth to want men to like them, so standing up to sexism is even more difficult because you have to sacrifice that source of self-esteem.

The fear I mean is the fear that would make men careful not to offend us and careful to treat us with respect, not the fear of any threat to their privileged masculinity (or in that case racial superiority complex) that leads them to hurt women.

I knew it was a hate crime against women the second I read it was at a showing of Trainwreck. Just don’t expect people to pull their heads out of their asses this time anymore than they did after Elliot Roger.

My landlady is a psycho. After a year of her telling me my move out date was flexible, she suddenly wants to charge me a fuck ton for the 2 weeks stay before my mortgage closes. If I don’t like it, she says, I can move out.

Don’t know if the picture will show up but they had glass barriers like this in Taiwan and I think Korea too when I visited. I believe there it was to prevent suicides, but I felt way safer than when I rode in NYC.

Thank you, it is good to know that there are no nudity/rape/sex scenes, etc. I will have to see it this week. I might go alone just in case it gets me worked up.

It’s just how I am, the most misogynist stuff and the most feminist stuff just ignite ALL ZEH RAGE - I get unhealthy imaginary arguments going off in my head that I can’t really control when I get too into it all.

I’m still going with the thought that if you feel you’d be ready to meet someone else who is actually interested in a serious relationship, then it is best to cut ties with someone who has clearly shown he isn’t interested in being in a serious relationship with you, and may very well be stringing you along as a

I was planning to go see this, but then I realized how much anger its going to bring to the surface. Was that a problem for anyone else? Is the movie satisfying enough that my feminist rage won’t keep me up at night? I have issues...

Thats exactly what I’ve been doing this week. I know my guy is back in town, but I haven’t heard a peep, so I’m just doing me, which consists of alcohol, exercise, and netflix. I am surprised how okay I am just doing whatever I want and not reaching out to him, I thought I needed him. But I need more episodes of

Letting go is really hard. I usually feel better if I get into one of my hobbies or go exercise more, something distracting that produces endorphins. If you feel you would be ready to meet someone new then you are definitely making the right choice I think.

Can I be you? I’m around 8 and all but 2 make my stomach turn :-( I gotta get outta the south.. .

I have a similar situation with a guy friend. Things are sexual but not very often, but we text and hang out anytime we can. I am not sure what to do because I am NOT ready to meet someone else, and I have very few friends or social support network. I feel like he’s someone I can rely on and he treats me well and is a

I just bought like 6 pairs of shorts from Old Navy. I was humiliated constantly growing up about my weight and never wore shorts. But it is hot in ATL so I said fuck it, I Will be comfortable and wear cute shorts and society can bite me! TEAM SHORTS!