
It’s a rule that does have its uses, and those uses are not only professional IMO - but there was zero application for it within this context.

Exactly! While I have amped up my workouts to lose a little weight for my wedding, I have gone to the gym at least 4 days per week for years because I FEEL GOOD. It helps my anxiety. I feel strong and confident. It's good for my health. Auughhh I'm getting madder about it. I'm going to complain on Monday to a

Really! There is a huge difference between “That outfit is unprofessional” and “You look like a slut in that”.

I remember the first time I was cat called. I was wearing my elementary school uniform. Elementary school! One that everyone in the area would've recognised, so it's not like the assholes thought they were whistling at an 18 year old (not that that would be acceptable either). I remember being completely baffled by

guys who seem to think that the whole issue is whether it’s “fair” or “right” for a person to suddenly change their mind about sex.

I have been singing her praises lately to my less media involved friends. She's the shit, she's repellent to old ingrained bullshit attitudes towards young women.

This is kind of apples to oranges. It’s one thing to have conventions or rules about what one wears in a business setting, and these typically apply to men and women. If you show up to your business formal workplace in a skin-tight tube dress, that is not appropriate, but I don’t think anyone would argue that your

This all day. If guys are all, “She gets naked and then shuts it down? WTF is that,” it’s pretty easy to see how they might be confused/miffed about it. And they have the right to be upset, just not the right to take it out on her.

Ditto. I have been tall and had all my lady curves since I was 11 so I quickly learned to avoid inappropriate and very creepy male attention by drowning myself in layers of flannel, tshirts, dark jeans and boots. I kept the grunge uniform up to my mid-20's. The result was people labeling me as mean/cold/butch/etc and

Most of the times I’ve been catcalled have been first thing in the morning, after walking my kid to school. Baggy sweats, oversized hoodie, no makeup, greasy sloppy bun. My mother-in-law got catcalled in her gardening clothes. She’s 60.

Amber rose is quickly becoming one of my favorite people.

Dress how you want to be addressed.

To me, what it comes down to is this:

In regards to “dress how you want to be addressed”:

One time, my friend’s brother’s cousin’s neighbor’s sister’s stepdaughter’s boyfriend was walking by a park wearing a baseball cap, and the next thing you know, he was captured, forced to play short stop for six months, and then won the World Series.

Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.

GO girl. When I was younger, I used to dress in flannel shirts and jeans to avoid attention and instead of catcalls, I got insults, and even “well-meaning,” “Why do you dress like that??” Uh, because you told me to dress down if I didn’t want your fucking attention. Here it is, now STFU.

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

I’m old and often bored by the few videos I run across, but that one really is fabulous. Single Ladies was fun and minimalist and some of her other ones have been sexy, but all in all (in keeping with pop tradition) they seem intentionally vacant. Pretty, without much narrative or perspective.

I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.