
Has anybody tried putting a mic on him and letting him go to the bathroom?

"Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Bill Cosby?"

When he's unwittingly drugged into an honest confession.

That's how I felt about the thing where you tell a joke and everyone ignores you except the guy sitting next to you, and then he repeats the joke you just made and everyone laughs. That happens to me all the time, and I always thought it was because I mumble and have terrible comic timing - which I'm sure it partially

I worked at a Fortune 1000 company brought in to turn a specific department around . And temporarily it did work, but because the company wasn't training the new hires properly and quick to fire people , I had to show them with cold hard math how if the turnover rate is 60-70% then we couldn't increase the sales

It can even happen in female dominated workplaces. Last summer I was helping set up a new Micheal's store. It's a sweet gig, the setup, you get a full workweek for as long as it's going on and it's not very mentally taxing while being a decent workout. Since it involves physical labor, we had quite a few men show up

I am am the youngest, most junior, and only female team member in our company, and it is exhausting. I'm just in the habit of presenting my ideas to my boss in 6 ways to get him to hear me. He is actually very good about giving me credit in retrospect; he has on several occasions sent out an e-mail to the whole team

Ha, ha ha, haaaa. Try being a female scientist half way to a Ph.D in plant genetics, trapped in a conversation about GMOs at a party with some white guy with dreads. The layers of insult and irony in this scenario, which is somehow a fixture of my life....

I am so sorry that you aren't supported as you should be. I wish I could give you a hug. Not being believed, or to have your trauma diminished, is the worst thing.

Anyone who has ever sat in a classroom/meeting/whatever and made a point, been told it's not exactly right, only to hear a man in the room repeat THE EXACT SAME POINT in slightly different words, and be told he's a visionary, has experienced the rage. It more or less sums up like 50% of graduate seminars, and no doubt

I've taken to looking at my husband like a madman and telling him he needs to calm down so we can discuss things rationally whenever he starts getting upset or frustrated. The look I get in response is PRICELESS.

Jezebel, Jezebel. What have you done to me?

My brother is a serial fuck-up. He just cannot get his emotional shit together. he has a good job (somehow) but is in a loveless/abusive marriage and is an alcoholic. Despite this, members of my family consistently believe his narrative of our childhood over mine simply because he is male. He physically abused me

This is why talking about issues women face spirals so quickly. "X happened to me." "Nah, it was probably something else altogether." We're considered unreliable witnesses and interpreters of our own experiences.

You mean women will want to have children when they feel supported, financially secure and able to have choices about their futures?!

"So, if you treat a baby factory like real people, it becomes a better baby factory?! Buh-b-but the Bible-the kitchen-(head explodes)"

I think the "secret" is rather "the state and the family working closely together, rather than viewing the two as oppositional forces"

Cue all the people who will start shouting about dirty socialism and bootstraps.

I hear you sister. I don't want kids either but maybe it's because I live in the US of A. Not only would it be catastrophic on a financial and work level, but I'd be on my own and dealing with these crazy-ass fucking people who screech made-up issues and call the cops if you let your kid play at the park without a

Seriously though, having a baby and dealing with work is a nightmare. I am currently out on FMLA leave for the birth of my child- 5 weeks in, my work decided they are not going to pay me for my leave... Even though I have more than enough sick leave to cover my time off. Also, they are making it retroactively