
1) Because that is the most common way for this to happen.

But did you know why these people were upset/having a bad day? Maybe it was a tiny thing that would work out. Maybe someone they loved just died. Maybe they just got a horrible diagnosis. Maybe they just got fired and now can't afford things they really, really need, like, say, rent, or medication. Maybe they just got

No, telling them to fuck off is exactly the right response. It's exactly why flipping someone the bird was invented. Because fuck off, I don't want to smile, you ignorant, controlling fuckwit.

I had a guy tell me to smile, it's not so bad once.

Or we could leave strangers alone. I just don't feel it's my place to tell anyone I don't know to consider altering their facial expression. You also don't know their situation. For me, I glare because I'm squinting to see, no one needs to tell me what's up.

What I like is that it catches how the person saying it has no damned context for why your expression is like that, or that you might have been laughing with your friend 10 seconds earlier, but somehow feels important enough to you to intrude upon your life, discussion, contemplation of what you want to make for

I despise the dipshits that do this, because its never actually about the women/men. Its about their power over them. Its basically requiring someone to 'perform' at your request, couched in (false) sincerity, (false) politeness, and trying to 'just brighten someone's day'. So, when women/men almost invariably refuse

Super-affected gym-rat lady: Do you ever straighten your hair?

It would help if we didn't make it insanely expensive to raise a child who might be economically independent in the future, but hey, fuck universal healthcare, amirite?

She's had her problems but this is some next level intelligent sh*t she said on Twitter:


Teaching men to not rape is the only valid way to prevent rape. These kinds of "rape prevention" ideas that put the responsibility on women for their own safety is just another tool for the rape culture to victim blame when rapes happen, because they didn't follow the "rape prevention" manual closely enough.

In other words, don't be a woman.

I want to see these two fucks expelled. They knew exactly what they were doing and were intimidating her. Predators know when they see prey. Assholes like this can smell an opportunity do be abusive a mile away.

The way around that is when your son does harass or assault women you rationalize it and convince yourself the woman is lying or asking for it.

I actually think Ariana Grande is quite talented and has a good voice; I just don't enjoy what she does with it. The My Uncle Says I'm a Very Sexy Baby aesthetic doesn't really work for me.

That I'm not just a dog on the Internet.

This angers me so much that I cannot even talk about it just