
I don't know how to tell anyone in real life that I'm bi. I'm 30 years old and I can't even bring myself to say it to anyone. I'm afraid my decently progressive parents will react differently when it's their own daughter, and my extended family is traditional "old country" Greek. The last time I told a boyfriend, he

Yesterday, I said something to my Mr. about the article on the word "Female" and he immediately launched into a tirade against people that use "female" as a noun. He hit every single point, like the fact that it isn't grammatically correct, and the fact that it is just used to objectify women and that every dumbass

Ok you guys, so...

So my husband just re-enforced why I love him so much. He was talking about how at work they were getting ready to interview a woman for a programming position, and some of his co-workers were making inappropriate comments. He didn't let it slide and called them out on it. I told him how proud I was of him, and how

Good evening, Jezzies! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

I've been out of college for years but am sorta-kinda dating a college senior now, casually and semi-long distance. We're mostly just talking a lot, occasionally hooking up when she's back home, and waiting to see how things pan out once she graduates. It's weird dating someone that much younger than me but we've

This is one of the most important pieces I've read in a really long time.

As someone who was... I never really know the words for it... date-sexually assaulted (not penetration rape, but he took all my clothes, held me down, yelled at me, tried to pry my arms and legs open, and I managed to get away) I know the "wanting to talk" feeling. I was dating this guy, very causally- but dating. We

I think too many people assume that, for anyone who experiences acquaintance rape, that experience will act like a switch on their feelings, and, BOOM, you'll clearly feel like that person is an asshole. That probably happens in some cases. But when it is someone to whom you are close, whom you trust, with whom

It's so freaking ugly.

*Blasts BarnBurner* I don't know why I keep tripping on this particular viewpoint, but I have seen it enough to get irritated at the very mention of it.

If I were to ever run into another feminist that did not recognize that men are also victims of domestic violence, I would be very quick to give her / him the talk.

I am so sorry, because this is excellent advice, but: I really want a significant otter, too.

I feel....something. I don't know if it's mild depression or something else. I don't feel sad and I don't feel like I don't want to do anything I normally like doing, I just everything is pointless. I guess maybe I feel a bit numb. Not sad, but not happy either. I'm just here. I feel like I'm waiting for

That was my point. A woman can do every single thing "right" and can be raped. The nun I met was raped in a convent. Her attacker had entered the convent because he was looking for valuables and just happened to stumble onto her. If that isn't "doing everything right" I don't know what is. That's why "doing it right"

Nevermind the city. This is everywhere. NiceGuys[™] absolutely love that ol' Women Are Too Picky excuse. It absolves them of having to make any effort towards personal improvement, hygiene, attractiveness, or interpersonal connection.

I'm fine with the only guys in my bed being my cats if the alternative is all the NiceGuysTM out there. Happily, I haven't found that to the case, and shocker! - some women prefer being single.

I live in Brooklyn, and my last round of dating was absolutely HORRIFIC because I have these impossibly high standards. Like, I want a man who can actually compose a basic sentence in English, if that is his first language. I want a man who is employed. Not rich, but employed at a job where he makes enough money to

I've become increasingly convinced that online dating is some sort of cruel psychological stress test gone horribly wrong.

Damn, these women have such high standards. They want a man who doesn't open the conversation with racist remarks and can pay for his own slice of pizza? These are some out of control bitches.

Whaaat, you don't like perpetually stoned, unemployed "actors"?