
So, just to clarify:
Those that don't feel sorry for her, you're saying that this girl deserves to be threatened with rape because of how she dressed.
I'm interested to know if you also think those who wear short skirts deserve to be threatened with rape because of how they dress.

So now I hate her and everyone attacking her.

My hypothesis that I hate everyone has yet to be disproven.

I'm always amazed when other white people think that just because I'm white, I must be racist. Like we're in some secret club together. I do, however, enjoy the look on their face when they start to realize that I'm not in the club.

Ughhhhhhhh gross racism at work today by a customer.

I'm an extremely high-functioning alcoholic. I guess when I say "high-functioning," I mean that I have a very successful career and I wake up and go to work on time every day, and no one would ever dream that I go home every night and drink until I pass out. I've pushed away all of my friends because when I spend time

After spending the last five years with Kardashian-length hair, I pulled a Kristin Chenoweth-pulling-a-Pam Anderson today. Right after I saw that photo, I ran on my lunch break and got a haircut. I was so scared because it was a place one step beneath a Supercuts (Great Clips?), but I didn't care. It looks fabulous.

Now playing

You know... I was about to say she is too high profile for Russia to risk "losing"... but then I remembered Viktor Tsoi from Kino and realized that wasn't beyond the realm of possibilities... this guy died in an "accident".... car crash.... he got his start as the "first Russian rock god" before communism fell in

This is the type of thing that I want to share when friends start ranting about how President Obama is a tyrant/dictator/fascist. They complain their right to free speech is infringed on when we call them idiots for their rants. No, THIS is what happens when you have no rights to free speech.

And who the hell is going to watch the kids when you're working two or three jobs? Oh yeeeeeeah...that's gonna cost you too. But stop laying on your ass and expecting the government to take care of you! Why didn't you go to college?!?! Or get just get a better job, damn! You poors just want the real hard workers to

If more women had access to birth control, education, and healthcare, the number of abortions would drop, which is the exact goal "pro-life" camp. Yet, by denying these same things to women, they're undermining their own goal.

It's all in how conservatives define "Hard Work", you see. Private school and an after-school job in your family business = Hard Work. Two minimum wage jobs = Lazy Entitled.

Christian Scientist employers could keep their employees from getting any healthcare at all, if this is upheld. WTF?!

I don't want to get pregnant! Fuck you. I don't want to carry this pregnancy to term! Fuck you. I got pregnant and carried the pregnancy to term, and now I have a child! Triple fuck you.

I was going to be a dad with my former fiancee until we found out, around 20 weeks, that our baby wasn't developing properly and that he would likely never survive to term, much less survive for long after birth. Do these "pro-life" folks think that by forcing the woman I loved and I to have to watch her belly grow,

It should be noted that I wrote this piece as I sat one row behind Madeleine Albright on a train from NYC to DC today so I was especially inspired.

That ruling is effing ridiculous and I hope it's appealed. Could a business owner dictate that an employee couldn't spend any of their paycheck on birth control, just because the employer provided the money? If not, then why on earth are they allowed to dictate their employee's legally-mandated compensatory health

What's next? Will religious employers eventually be able to refuse to cover pregnancies for unmarried women?

"The job is good with medical benefits but not with the paycheck," she said. "I'm always in the hole with bills. If I pay the rent I'm sacrificing the light, if I pay the light bill I'm sacrificing the gas bill. It's always something."

And yet, even when approached with this fact, people will still scream bloody

Come on, conservatives. The only bible verse to specifically talk about abortion (as in outside forces ending a pregnancy) specifically treats it different than murder. It also says many, many times to take care of the poor. Not the deserving poor, or the 'right' kind of poor- there are no such distinctions. Don't