
does rent get cheaper a little further from work? I vote either move further from work for cheaper rent or get a roomie. A second job sounds like a lot more stress than a roomie...

I can't find the clip but here is a summary:

I've read about how guys are MORE likely to catcall girls between the ages of 11-15 or women who are crying/upset. It is actually when you are at your most vulnerable that cowards feel safest to harass you..... :( Sorry that happened to you, car trouble/accidents and street harassment suck!

The chicken or the egg, huh...
I think it's more that women/femininity are considered less than, and that spills over into the power dynamics in sex.

I'm with you. I think maybe it's part of being conventionally attractive - you don't ask for people to like you/value you you for the way you look, but they tend to bring it up and it tends to be a reason you get respected as a young woman. Unattractive women get treated badly by the general population, and only

I just worked today from 3:30pm til 8pm for nothing.....We will have to redo everything in the morning....le sigh

I thought condoms don't totally protect against herpes anyway right? Since it can be active on skin that a condom wouldn't cover?

Can you tell me how you took her to court? I mean, isn't that really expensive? I had a horrible roommate situation and was considering going to court as well.

What is the etiquette when your friend's cat bites you out of nowhere? My friend's cat was purring and wanting pets, I pet his head a bit (not roughly at all) and that little fucker flipped out and clawed and bit my arm and drew blood pretty bad for a cat! I wanted to smack him! But I didn't know if that was an

Thanks, that's exactly what I'm thinking, and I told him that and he suggested we be gym buddies and hang out like that to keep it low key. I'm gonna give it a ponder....

So, I started counseling earlier this year because I had an abusive childhood and became very passive and unable to set boundaries, etc. Just prior to this counseling, and this was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back, I met Kevin. Kevin was pretty open, and a little eccentric, and very interested in having

I am feeling so many things. I'll post in the reply.

aren't we already doing that by just paying women less for the same work?

This is nice of him. The only thing that bugs me is that I don't need anyone to trust me, I need them to respect my goddamn rights.

I feel like lots of rich black people also do that tho - I get there is a cultural difference but still, it's weird when a rich guy acts like he has "street cred" or something. It still made me uncomfortable in her video tho, so I'm not disagreeing with you that it was inappropriate.

I've only just touched on this in counseling. I did really well in school, and much better than any of my siblings, and was under constant pressure to do "advanced" this and "intensive" that, from elementary school and on through college - I kept being told I could potentially cure cancer one day, or study cool things

Should I go after the Jiffy Lube guy even though I'm a professional CPA?? I like him but I'm not sure if its just cause I can tell he likes me, or if he might just be awesome?

I lived in mid-town last summer, and I was catcalled a lot. Work on a bitch face and learn to not feel obligated to respond to people just because they call out to you. Also don't avoid responding if someone keeps at you, sometimes they just get off on the fact that you're too scared to respond, and so a firm response

I met a girl who completely mind-fucked me when it came to a guy I had recently met who I had a really good connection with. She kept telling me to play hard to get cause I was "exquisite". Well, that really messed up my ability to connect with this guy, and made me feel guilty/slutty for the fact that I usually slept