
I had sex w a complete stranger in a foreign country to "get rid" of my virginity, it was neither a good idea or a bad idea. I'd seen my older sister SO destroyed by her first relationship not working out, she kept saying he had a piece of her cause he took her virginity. But what I learned is it doesn't matter if its

i'm so glad you won! i'm sorry you went through all that, but remember you have so many opportunities to look forward to that you would not have had had you not gone through all this!

omg its been 2 yrs for me so far!

I'm drinking yummy white russians and not feeling stressed being by myself for once! yay!


I actually don't recommend cutting it short to avoid the heat, I thought I would feel cooler with a short bob, but it just made it impossible to really put my hair UP. Putting your hair up feels way better than having it down but short.

I tried joining an atheist group in Memphis when I lived thereabouts. I think it was meant to just be a way to make friends who wouldn't get that slightly hostile look people can get when they find out you're atheist. Anyway, two jerkwads high-jacked the entire get together I went to - they would NOT shut up about how

I can see what you mean - like in Mad Men when the dude dates a black woman and is all "look at me! I'm so progressive and open minded and cool!"

I'm thinking she just meant that the term was a broad generalization, so it doesn't include all liberal whites, just the sucky "me me me" ones.

oh, my bad for my assumption. Well, my underlying point was that expecting the worst will only paralyze you and prevent you from living a full, open life. Don't make yourself deal with horrible things happening when they haven't even happened and may not ever happen.

Hmm I think I see what you mean. I'm not trying to talk about myself specifically, just liberal whites, since that's the general group the original post attacked. And in my definition, liberal whites = non-racist whites.

I totally get that sometimes in anger we refer to a group in a generalized term even when we actually only mean certain people of that group - but the original post (by Martha_Jones21) specifically called out liberal whites, who are the least likely to be racist out of all whites (at least that's how it is where I'm

I am confused - what exactly can a white person such as myself do to NOT benefit from being white? I am aware of privilege, I am aware of inequality and I don't like it. I call out family/acquaintances when they say insensitive or racist things - what the hell ELSE could I possibly do??

I'm so sorry you are hurting so much right now.

Hmmm, that is a pickle! I'm sorry you're going through this and don't have someone who will really listen. I guess though that it all comes down to what you and your husband want. It's you two who will be raising the kid, not your friends.

I believe where I went to school the real police had no jurisdiction on our campus - we had our own zip code on campus, and it had its own city name (University, MS <— creative, right?) So I would guess maybe its something about police jurisdiction. And so we had our own police department on campus, but I am assuming

How do you deal with a boss being kind of an ass to you?

wow. just wow. that is so tough, you are so strong to have gone through all of this.

:( I'm so sorry you're going through that, some days everything just goes wrong. I hope things get better for you and that you find some loving support to help you through everything.

It was so obvious the whole time that they were not actually into it and were just doing it for a guy to watch. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammme.