
So, I've been dating this beautiful, sweet guy who treats me like a princess since September. Well, sleeping with since September. We started to use the words "girlfriend/boyfriend" only earlier this year.

I have a question. Still on my relationship, as with posts in previous weeks, so I'm sorry if its annoying. I'll put it in the reply.

*ahem* (This is Daniel Henney)

That's so awful!!! I'm so so sorry :( Sweet chickens... I hope you can find a way to scare off that fox. It's so easy to get attached to animals. I lost my cat last year to a stupid speeding driver, and I still miss him.

I started to read it last year but was way too disturbed. It just seemed like a Republican's wet dream. Ick! I wanna try to read it again this summer.

I think its valid to be hurt my his reaction, but I also think his reaction was valid. Maybe tell him it hurt your feelings, but that you also don't want to get married anytime soon, you just want to know that he loves you and takes you seriously.

I have a related situation.

I asked throughout my childhood to take ballet classes. When I went off the college, my mom signed my little sister up for ballet classes (and swimming, and tap, and jazz) all without her ever asking for any of it. I told my mom how much this hurt my feelings, and, shock!, she can't remember me ever asking to take

There are a few episodes of community that are weird. I think that was in season 2. I just watched the third season recently, and it had some major golden episodes. One episode mirrors a Law and Order episode. Another mirrors a historical documentary format, with narration by Kieth David. They were just hilarious. I

That is awesome.

I think it depends on what program you are doing. See if you can contact the department you're interested in and ask about their ranking, and job placement rate. This information is a big deal. I did one major in liberal arts, not knowing how abysmal the job placement rate was - they made it sound like the government

I will play this game.

"and that's what makes conservatives anti-family: When you dictate what is and isn't considered a family, you've already destroyed it."

preach it! These people are fucking sick. That's what is pissing me off - they can't admit that they don't give one crap about a baby's life - then end game is to punish the woman/slut. That's it.


Do you really think its selfish to not have kids? I just can't wrap my head around that idea - childfree people are selfish.......No, they just seem like they are self-aware enough to make the right decisions for their lives.

I'm wondering if this will happen to me. I still don't know if I REALLY want kids, but the more my friends have them the less scary it seems (until the kid starts screaming for no reason, then its back to being scary).

You are incredibly brave! I'm in college and I'm still scared to be involved in these kinds of clubs cause of how people might treat me.

That is so horrible. What an awful experience, being in a foreign place without family....You are incredibly strong for getting through that. I hope you are in a much better place now, and I hope that bastard gets what he deserves.

Nearly every single one of my female friends, including my older sister, has told me about their rape.