
Is this post only about mothers because Sunday is mother's day? There's a lot of crap fathers teach their kids, too.

She is my favorite journalist/reporter. She is so intelligent and so calm and articulate, its just....awesome.

I don't have first hand experience, but my best friend ended up having ADD.

that's amazing!!! congratulations!!!!

"Among my peers, at least, there's an ambivalence about abortion that comes from pregnancy being demystified but also by advances in medical technology that allow doctors to save premature infants as early as 22 weeks."

I think my problem is not at all that I don't care, I care a LOT, it's that I feel like I'm powerless to do anything. Call my congressman? My congressman is a misogynistic asshole, and I'm sure his secretary is too - everything I say would fall on deaf ears. It might give me a sense of 'doing something', but I just

I honestly think part of what made me become less and less attracted to my ex was the negative comments about his body from friends and his family. It was like I could see right past his body (which wasn't my preferred body type - which sounds mean, but is the truth) until they started to disapprove. I started to feel

:( I'm sorry that happened. I think the pressure placed on mothers is just a branch of misogyny. It's designed to make you constantly feel inadequate and undeserving of respect. Don't listen to it at all!

Thanks, I am sharing all of this on youtube. I hope Peterson gets publicly destroyed for this shit.


omg, please send me a link!

Where I have lived the past 7 years for school was a light red blip in a sea of dark red blips. I'm absolutely exhausted of making friends only to find out they're homophobic, sexist, religiously intolerant, and/or racist.....

See, part of why I'm scared of NYC is the cold. I hates the cold! I wish there were more liberal and warm places - California is an option in the future but I have no link there family- and company-wise.

I keep researching living in NYC and in Atlanta, Ga. Trying to decide which one better suits me. Then I read a story related to some Republican douche-baggery, and I start researching Canada....

I would pay for any membership to any progressive group at this point.

Thx! I will definitely try meetup. My town doesn't have that - Bible Belt :(

You know what I would like to see - more opportunity to connect with women who are also childfree. I love my friends who have kids, but I know that sooner or later spending time with them will be super limited (it already is actually). I would really like to meet more people who are and plan to remain childfree. I

I appreciate hearing this from a guy's point of view. It seems like people pressure women to be mothers so much, we forget how men are often treated badly or with suspicion for not wanting kids, too.

I think the thing you are missing is just how OFTEN mothers have to breastfeed their babies, its every few hours. I don't think breastfeeding is allowed in public to protect the feelings of mothers, its allowed because it is wrong to ask mothers to wait to feed their babies til they get to a private place. Plus, how

I get this same treatment sometimes - I'm only 24, but in Mississippi, so..... My Dad started asking me when I would start "popping out" some grandkids for him when I was 20 yrs old and in college. That's some solid parenting, Dad. :)