
It is not at all constitutional for the government to define what marriage is, besides that its between consenting adults (not children or vulnerable people being forced into it, or animals...etc)

I used to be like that - I never made fun of rape at all, I was terrified of rape - but I have absolutely degraded myself and other women to be accepted by my incredibly misogynistic father. When you get slammed for being female from a young age, you learn to detach yourself from your gender, to be "different from

That's my other worry, maybe they are hearing both!! No one has complained, and I can't ever hear my neighbors unless they are in the hallway, so hopefully I'm not actually causing a problem - I'm pretty sensitive to noise myself so I just wanna be considerate....Thanks tho, I'm gonna discuss this with my bf next time.

That's a good point - he is Nigerian, too, so people might be really confused by that music (I'm in a small town). We aren't playing it super loud, so I might be over-analyzing, but I do kinda feel that no music is better, too. Thanks for your input! :)

honest question - assuming you can't soundproof your apartment (I'm not allowed to alter mine and I don't even know how to soundproof a wall) - do you prefer to hear sex or loud music covering up the sex? I try to keep the noise level down, but that only helps so much, and I'm worried I'm pissing people off,

Would you seriously write that, though? Even if you honestly thought it, would you write it out and voice that assumption? I think even if she were a prostitute, him/her saying so is incredibly rude and presumptive. He/she could have just said "Can you please keep the noise down and maybe add sound-proofing?" - not,

Olivia Benson for-evah!

I am curious about the statistics (not being a jerk, I am being genuine).

Very true. Well said. I haven't met a police officer yet that didn't make me feel uncomfortable....

I know I've probably met more sociopaths than I know, but I know for sure I was living with one last semester. Creepiest. Thing. Ever. It still makes me shudder.

Election years are especially disheartening! Every year is disheartening in Mississippi, tho :(

can you expand on that? I'm really curious - I'm from Mississippi so I have no idea about relations between Native people and others.

You and your sister are me and my sister!

I'm having a similar problem - I noticed I am more insecure if someone likes me, as if I think they only like me cause they don't know me well enough yet. I start to voice my insecurities around them, and its almost as if I want to push them away and make them see how flawed I really am - better now than when I

I also think #COTD - that was perfect.

I am pretty sure it is just men and women needing to tell women how to live their lives - as in, we womenz shouldn't be having any sex, and not wanting to be a mother is unnatural, and we must be punished for either of these things by going through pregnancy and childbirth. They don't actually care if you keep the

your mother is my father!

I had this sort of close relationship with my ex - even after we broke up. I'm still learning to have things that are "mine and only mine", and resisting that urge to word-vomit everything to my ex. It's very hard, cause I really feel the need to have that confidante who knows everything. Is this normal? I'm thinking

I agree with you. I watched this show twice cause it came on after Game of Thrones while my TV was still on. I laughed A LOT. But, I find it very hard to identify with these girls. I'm 24 going on 25, and I don't think I ever acted as immature as these girls, and I've never been with a guy who treated me the way the

I was actually cracking up during both sex scenes (the main character and her guy, as well as the sensitive guy and the friend). Both scenes were somehow THE MOST AWKWARD SEX EVER, lol! But I think that was the point - those girls aren't actually connecting with those guys, neither girl is fulfilled in the