
I can understand both of these arguments (GareBear's and drmrsjamescole's)

hopefully he only meant to talk about her age, and just used the gender without intent - like, she isn't brave for a young WOMAN, but she is brave for a YOUNG woman, do you get what I mean?

According to my brother, it wasn't against her will, because if she didn't want a baby she shouldn't have had sex. In other words, women are not allowed to have sex if they do not want to be mothers. It is truly mind-boggling how these people feel entitled to punish women for having sex, and call it the woman's

I also thank you for posting about this organization - it is incredible!

I have been debating moving to Atlanta for about a year now, and it is mainly Georgia's GOP bulls**t and the fact that its still in the Bible-belt (I'm from Mississippi) making me want to move somewhere else instead.

I think in most families, there is hardly a choice in terms of which spouse stays out of the workforce to raise kids, men are still way too threatened by the idea of staying at home "like a woman", so if a spouse stays home, it is almost always the woman.

Oh you are absolutely right, I only meant that if I did make that huge of a sacrifice in order to be a stay at home mom, even for only the first few years of my kids life, I would require some kind of compensation for it - and I would make damn sure my husband knew exactly how much I was giving up in terms of lost

If your show has a laugh track, you're probably not funny.

"If you don't get that idea that a "man is not a plan", you will live captive to the idea that only if you behave, men and the good lord will reward you for being a good woman."

This is exactly what I tell people who say a woman should stay home and not get any portion of her husband's salary.

Sometimes I hate having a vulva, but then I remember just how big a douche I might have ended up being if I were a guy - its hard for them to recognize that they don't DESERVE their privilege (I'm convinced they all know they have privilege) when they are so inundated with it from birth.

I feel like being in politics would be horrible. That's why I don't run. A big chunk of that is due to the fact that people would be so upset about a female in a position of authority, but it would mostly be due to the fact that whether or not I get to keep my job depends on whether or not Joe Bob down the street has

Just voted - Please go vote!!

This is exactly how I feel - it is normal for people to be a little queasy about blood in general, or to now wanna deal with the mess. And I don't think it really has to do with the fact that its a lady's period so much as that it is, in fact, blood (I know it's blood-mucus-tissue, but it looks mostly like blood).

I also went to vote that day! It was only my second time voting (presidential elections were the first time). There was an old couple sitting across the street from the voting place, but I was pleased to see that their sign only said to "Get out and Vote!" or something like that. It's not everyday you see sane,

I don't consider pregnancy part of my plan when I use a condom or birth control. When those things fail I would say the pregnancy was unplanned. A planned pregnancy implies that pregnancy was the goal. An unplanned pregnancy implies pregnancy was not the goal, and was actually supposed to be avoided.

But didn't you know? Women who have sex are sluts, men who have sex are stuuuuuuuds. They don't wanna cock-block a bro, yo.

This kind of thing gives me mixed feelings.

Haven't you heard, many women don't want to be feminists: "I'm not a feminist, but........"

This is what I tried to explain to her - she actually yelled at me that I needed to have kids after I said I didn't think I wanted any. I was so shocked, there was so much anger in her voice. I think its probably something to do with the fact that she has a kid and isn't very happy (divorced from shitty husband that