
This is some crap my own sister would say. She actually had an abortion while in college, and since she is so taken by religion, she regrets her decision and now thinks that abortion should be illegal. I kept trying to explain to her that just because she regrets her decision doesn't mean other women will, that it's

1) The MAJOR difference that you are completely ignoring is that this App allows you to see WHERE the women are ON A MAP - meaning, if you see a hotty that you'd like to rape, just wait, and FOLLOW HER HOME.

I appreciate all of these replies to my first comment!!! - it was really helpful to read some outside perspectives on these issues, I'm so glad I could ask it on a feminist site like this one. (sorry if the following is incoherent, I just played sports in the hot mississippi sun for like 4 hours!)

I wasn't trying to offend you, I'm sorry if I was rude. Best of luck, though!

That is really good you are seeing a therapist, I know that is hard to start doing, and I hope you are feeling some relief soon.

I need advice! Ok, my list:

There is nothing wrong with that question! I don't think its anti-feminist at all, everyone wants someone to share their time with and be intimate with.

I say just go for it - he may not have anyone else, and he is not doing you any favors if you are the best for the part! It would just be mutually beneficial.

I had this problem in my last relationship and am having it in my current relationship. My ex told me that he wanted to help me, but I was so depressed all the time that it made him feel exhausted. Since it made him exhausted, he couldn't bring himself to face the problems with me in our relationship.

I'm so sorry - I don't tend to get asked out much, but that is really frustrating when it happens and they just cancel or don't call back :( I think it is better to put your energy into your own life instead of dwelling on men, though - get involved in a club or sport you like, etc, so that you can meet friends and

I totally agree. I haven't cheated, but I've come very close/really wanted to, and its been the red flag that I need to end things with the person I'm with. It sucks, cause they are a great person who has done nothing wrong, but I'm just not happy. I would never get past it if I cheated, and I would never get past it

mmmmm i'm so buying me some Fudgesicles tomorrow....*droool*

I worked at an animal shelter for a few months, and I can tell you, it was f*ed up. They turned down applicants all the time, and instead put the animals to sleep. A girl who worked with me asked to foster a dog she liked, and the lady in charge said she wasn't allowed to foster a dog until she'd been working there at

That's how I am! I'm trying to join more clubs, but they are limited in my small town, and everyone I meet and like ends up being extremely religious (I'm atheist)/conservative (I'm liberal)/bigots (I'm not one), or they come with their own friend and aren't looking to branch out....

My boyfriend's entire family says sentences that, literally, go like this: "WELL, I don't know, I mean, it's just, like, I don't know, you have to like, I mean..." etc, etc.

I agree with Rooo. I have lost a little weight, but I feel infinitely better about it when someone says "You look nice!" instead of making it about my weight with "You lost so much weight! It looks great!", cause then in the back of my mind I'm thinking they must have thought I was SO gross before losing the weight..

It could be she was really embarrassed about it. I would try asking her to do something else with you - that way your relationship doesn't revolve around gym/working out/healthiness. Go to a movie, play, or dinner.

This happened to me, too. I think part of it is just wanting to find a partner who values the things you value (health and exercise), but part of it is that when you exercise, especially if you exercise in a gym, you are surrounded by healthy, fit people with muscles - and muscles are hot!

i really think it comes down to sexism. My parents (ahem, Dad in particular) spent WAAAAY more money on my brothers - buying them Nintendos, playstations, etc, four-wheeler ATVs, guitars, TVs. They spent as little as humanly possible on me until they bought me my car. I'm not saying I was horribly deprived, but I was