
Between Barstool getting slapped and Nick Foles becoming a Jaguar it’s been an interesting week for three-legged sports figures.

$0.45/gallon savings x 20 gallon average tank size = $9 savings.

I usually only save .15 cents a gallon at Costco but I’m there so why not.

Especially if filling up this thing.  And some Costco’s have 10 GPM pumps!

If they don’t want to discuss the rumors, publicly back-patting themselves for having heard those rumors in the first place maybe isn’t the move!

Not surprising. Boston fans are known for getting bombed at parades.

congrats to Splinter for bringing this to light, showing once again that sunlight is the best way to combat Ricketts

Man, the one time a Dodgers fan stays for the 9th. 

Well c’mon, all those Browns do look alike.

Great. Last time someone on the Jets blew up a Patriots mascot we got 18 fucking years of Tom Brady....

He laid out Pat Patriot because that Jets fool can’t maul Steely McBeam.

Should never be that easy to get Cox blocked.

Poor timing for Cox to come up limp.

Never good to come off half-Coxed. Full Cox or burst.

I just want to applaud my fellow commenters. Quality Kinja all around, and nary an idiot sexist in sight.

They're smocking hot

Chevrolet falling by the wayside when challenged by the Japanese...

It had its ups and downs.

It’s clear that Michigan will Faehn concern for the athletes but Rhonda program the way they want.