Hilarious, I was looking at this exact car yesterday trying to figure out of they made the 958 GTS in manual (wife drives a 958 V6 6MT currently). Answer, of course, was nope. And boy those 957s look DATED!
Hilarious, I was looking at this exact car yesterday trying to figure out of they made the 958 GTS in manual (wife drives a 958 V6 6MT currently). Answer, of course, was nope. And boy those 957s look DATED!
Is it *officially* dead? Thought we wouldn’t find out until Paris.
The fact that even BMW didn't put a stick in this car worries me. They still offer them in 2, 3, and 4 series. Puzzling they wouldn’t make it an option on the 2 seat impractical roadster of all things.
My Eyes! The Goggles Do Nothing!
As shown above under a random Explorer that I slid under in Kentucky (yes, I risked being shot to take these pictures)
My wife says we have so many cars and trucks that it is currently not beautiful.
You’re dead to me, Audi. You’re even more dead to me than your dead mother.
I am a vocal manual enthusiast. I ordered my ‘14 A5 S-line competition 6MT (was told I got the first one in the USA) CTO new from the factory in July of 2013. My avatar pic was from the day I drove it home.
I read that linked article and got to this sentence and spit out my coke zero
Its almost like most of the people arguing about this werent even alive when us old fogeys were watching promo VHS tapes and television commercials from Nintendo where they only ever said N-E-S...
oh wait.
My wife and I are both aerospace engineers and we own 3 manual vehicles (4 if you count my motorcycle).
Melted fruit =/= handsome
I love you.
2 words: carbon buildup
Lithium ion 2170 and 18650 cells used in Teslas are not really the same as lithium polymer laminated packs, which is what your video shows.
Already on the road, friend.
Veblen Good
In this case, with more supply, the desirability actually decreases.