When trying to perform tasks like messing with the AC and adjusting the mirrors, the testers had to use that touch screen alone. That’s too complex and distracting, CR argued, forcing drivers to take their eyes off the road to operate.
When trying to perform tasks like messing with the AC and adjusting the mirrors, the testers had to use that touch screen alone. That’s too complex and distracting, CR argued, forcing drivers to take their eyes off the road to operate.
“We under-quoted you on your trade-in. Come back so we can hand you a couple hundred dollars.”
That Big Chicken Dinner is gonna look pretty bad on his resume for a loooong time
No, they offered the GD with the abysmal 4EAT. Probably still rather have that than a CVT though.
That oft-repeated origin story of IPA is a myth.
Less discounts for ordering a car means higher margins and should incentivize dealers and manufacturers to offer them! They don’t even have to run them though production until there is a guaranteed demand for that exact config in the system! I feel like I am taking crazy pills.
The simple answer is just to make them CTO options. There should be no reason whatsoever not to offer me the option of ordering a car of a specific trim level with my choice of transmission that they already certified for the market.
And order-only means the stock doesn’t languish on dealer lots, so they cant bitch and…
I remember that one, he actually said something closer to “a-chill-liss”. Dude on that episode had a ROUGH game...but somehow won IIRC.
Right!? How in the world do automotive product planners still believe that the only reason people are buying manuals is to save money?????
I would have bought either this or the sedan a long time ago if it didn’t have CUE. I’m not kidding whatsoever.
What do halogens have to do with anything? There are halogen bulbs in projectors in many, many vehicles.
That is by design, all car headlights project asymmetrically biased away from oncoming traffic depending on operating region (which side of the road you drive on).
Dafuq is an “ST1 drivetrain swap”?
I straight up balked at buying an ATS-V due to CUE.
As a guy who has done considerable design work and has multiple patents on both V22 and V280 rotor systems, I have no idea where you’re getting the idea that the V22 has some kind of non-intervention engine auto-shutdown problem, or zero overtorque capability...particularly with your claim that they have supposedly…
Yeah except the V22 is the single most-tasked aircraft in the USMC inventory, as well as being essentially the safest per flight hour. So maybe stop reading 15 year old news.
Exactly! I feel like I am taking crazy pills listening to those 2 guys.
I was thinking the same thing....that guy’s linked article serves to entirely invalidate his own argument.
[In case your sarcasm detector really is totally borked, I’m making fun of the G6 coupe styling because it is so bad that its ass end looks like it could be the front]