I don’t like the red headlights.
I don’t like the red headlights.
It only looks completely awesome because it has a gigantic black horse blanket covering up all the (modern) Acura-ness on the front.
As a previous GD owner and 5 digit NASIOC member, I call shenanigans! This is not a thing.
Also, whats up with the mention of GC’s? GDs covered everything from the bugeye to the hawkeyes in 07.
DFW never left.
Let me guess, you also think 2001: A Space Odyssey is boring.
2 coworkers Explorers, 2013 and 2014. One of them already traded it in at a loss because he was concerned that his kid was still getting nauseous from the smell.
Without the digital transformation, the aircraft you see there could not have been made. In fact, five years ago, it could not have been made.
4 years later they finally acknowledged it publicly. But spoiler alert, those fixes still don’t work.
Also consider the very widespread issue of exhaust fumes in the cabins of Explorers and Ford’s silence on that issue for years now
Hardly the first military testimony of UFO weirdness. See Project Blue Book.
Nowadays, everyone with a license of Solidworks thinks they are an aerospace engineer. Let me tell you, as an actual aerospace engineer who designs vertical flight rotor systems for a large OEM, 99% of what I see in these CAD renderings and animations is just downright laughable out of hand.
There’s a reason they are…
More like YF-23
Holy cow I would buy that instantly otherwise.
Yeah, science is BAD!
When the Avant comes back I’ll eat my hat. When it comes back with a manual I’ll make it a sandwich with both of my shoes.
As of 2017 you can no longer buy an S model of anything from Audi with a manual.
And before some idiot gets on about how people bitch on jalopnik and never actually buy manual luxury cars - my 2014 Audi I bought new is a stick, so zip it.
Cue the hundreds of comments from people who have never actually had to work with a union (particularly the UAW) before.
Also, the idea that the NLRB in any way approaches an objective authority is a outright joke.
Especially if you’re in an Audi SQ5
I’m in my mid 30s so its been a while....but it was ALWAYS taught growing up riding the bus you exit and cross IN FRONT for this exact reason. WTF?
Dodge Spirit R/T