
Even without a three-pedal manual.

Because, like hybrids, people want everyone else to KNOW they are driving a hybrid or electric. Market research done over the past decade has shown that the appearance of being “environmental” is as big a driver as anything in the purchase of one of those vehicles.

Remember when Honda made the original Civic hybrid?

So I may have somehow missed this, but do you actually get any airline status with this card? AAdvantage platinum?

So I may have somehow missed this, but do you actually get any airline status with this card? AAdvantage platinum?

I just bought a used 355 chassis 4x4 GMC Canyon and set aside a couple hours to do front pads and rotors.

NOPE! Brakes are *behind* the hubs. I haven’t worked on that many trucks aside from my Ram 1500, so this was truly a WTF moment for me.

And those hubs AIN’T GOIN NOWHERE. I’ve never given up on a wrench job, but

You think military helicopter fuselages are armored and the windows are bulletproof???

Heh, well you did use quotes!

I have been escorted out of BMW dealers before because I “looked poor”

Right, because the V-22 is actually the safest rotorcraft per flight hour in USMC inventory?

Its always disheartening that someone this stupid can afford nice things.

Uh, so they both are ugly?

I believe this as much as I believed the “confirmed for the USA” manual XE sedan.

In other news, Subaru is dead (read: Toyota).

Long live Subaru.

“Sonya was ejected from the vehicle”

“Ejected”? By what, pray tell. I’d think this would be a bigger problem than rolling in neutral!

I don’t think you understand the concept of setting a budget.


I’m one of those supposedly non-existent people who bought a new “luxury” car with a manual 3 years ago and really want to buy the F-type but its just ever so slightly over my budget at the V6 manual price. This could have done the trick.

Well that pretty much settles it, Honda (Acura particularly) can no longer make a decent looking vehicle.

It’s hilarious you had to be explicit

Actually 525 has a hybrid carbon/fiberglass spar. Are you a Romeo guy or Bell guy?

V280 proprotor is 100% structural carbon fiber

Check it out, someone actually qualified to write defense articles on FA.
