
ND based on previous ownership of one of these. These are not fun to own - you have the parts cost of a vintage Porsche, they are arguably harder to work on than an old 911, but you get basically none of the performance. They also have a wiring harness that degrades over time, so these (and all pre-1985.5 944s with

which begs the question;

This is actual nonsense. Sun Tea is brewed before any sugar - necessary to fuel any bacterial growth - is added. Unsweatened tea is simply not a viable growth media. There is one professor that cites one patent (not even a scientific study) that is regularly quoted here. The patent is public record, there was no

If comfort in heavy traffic was the only consideration when buying a car, then they wouldn’t even be shopping for a GTI. 

Re: ‘The company’s ethos of being “The Ultimate Driving Machine” is evident in all its products, no matter what category they occupy.’

A peach and a grenade will each fit nicely in your hand. Which is it? Show me what’s in those service records and maybe we can talk. Based on what we know, ND.

Forget about the Audi engineering, This is a rough-looking wagon with a moldy interior for $15K. I suspect that the owner had enough of the car and decided to sell it off to an aspiring “Audi enthusiast.”

What stuff did SpaceX launch before Elon?

re-evaluate your life if you’re cheering for the destruction of the next gen spacecraft all because of one person. 

It wasn’t originated by SpaceX; it’s an old aerospace euphemism.  ;-)

It’s an old one, Junior.

I’m not sure how to do the correct math but if the odds of ANYONE on earth being hit are 1 in 2,467 that does not mean that MY chances are 1 in 2,467 as I’m one of 8 billion people.

Now I’m kind of glad you didn’t show the whole car. I’m not sure if its the wheels looking to small for the car, but it looks... derpy. The way the back is completely round from the side is.. a choice.

WTF is reason for the horrible photography that only shows 1/4 of the car in each exterior photo or is a 1/8 frame frontal? 

Chevy says this isn’t the end of the road for the vehicle as we know it; we just have no idea what’s coming”

Article makes assumptions that those ratings are not backed by evidence. I downvoted a driver that threw a hard drive at my door as I caught it on camera. There was another one that dropped and kicked the package to my door. Both were brown and black, but as a brown person, I’m not going to give a pass to crappy

But if you’re making shit money, maybe you shouldn’t be buying the average new car.

Excellent deployment of both Austin Powers and a *correct* usage of “antepenultimate.

Reading the whole article then getting to the slushbox in the antepenultimate paragraph, confirming my fears from the earlier photo

The Gone in 60 Seconds remake is the quintessential example of “this movie is so bad and I freaking love it.” There’s a point where late 90's/early 00's corniness became a novelty in itself, and for me, this was one of the first movies to hit that inflection point. It’s so much goddam fun.