
it's Audi's code that your car has unauthorized modifications performed

What are your thoughts of the Subaru Casablanca? Yes, this was a production vehicle.

Clearly you've never set foot in a CLA.

The new EA888 is a BEAST! 316/381 on pump gas with JUST A TUNE.

Yes, any VAG car with mods (outside of a catback exhaust) gets flagged TD1 (to the VIN) automatically and permanently when its scanned at any dealer. Theres nothing a dealer can do to prevent it either.

If the jag offers a stick, absolutely.

You own and regularly drive a '73 beetle and didn't know what a shim is?

Every $70,000 dollar car you've had has had those issues?

Yawn. Call me when they add a manual back into a half ton.

Piper recruiters were pursuing me for a while trying to staff up for designing the Altaire, but it all quickly went up in cloud of smoke.

I'm not sure that Piper is the greatest company for Honda to leverage, as they are barely afloat themselves today.

This entire saga seems a bit overblown. I get its a sense of national pride for a Japanese auto manufacturer to make an airplane. But 20 GPH of fuel savings (which is somewhere like 15% better than something in the Citation 525 series) and a marginal speed increase doesn't seem like it would be enough for someone in

Arcadia Green....a la the Unicorns:

So Yuengling sucks and PBR is good?

Piss off, you hipster.

Icon just flew the first production model built on production tooling 3 weeks ago. The first deliveries are scheduled for May 2015.

Major Kong? Major Kong?!

Disagree, I just drove a CPO 2013 with a stick and was perfectly happy with it. My wife loved it, coming from her old manual forester.

This would only be even remotely a decent comparison if the S3 could be had with a manual.

So the base model is dropped....

That was only recovery from the total gutting through the bulk of the 1990s.

And we are talking about going from 3% to 5% (and since 2010 as shown back to about 3.8%), when the average since WWII had been much closer to 5%-6%.

The deficits are not being driven by defense spending. Its by unsustainable entitlement

I whole heartedly agree; military tech is amazing and is typically what drives innovation in many technological areas.

Comparisons of GDP are typically done with PPP to account for inflation rates and economy self-adjustments to currency changes.