
I find your claim of 1-2% extremely dubious, for example the UK is 40% over £39000 and that's also ignoring things like VAT and license fees making the effective rate likely even higher.

I have chosen to analyze the budget the way it is ALWAYS analyzed, as a percent of the overall funding available. How in the world

Ok, have fun paying 50% taxes on your shitty health care while waiting in line for months for treatment...all the while watching the precious eurozone spiral into bankrupt oblivion because, Socialism Rocks!

I guess you missed the entire point of this thread where the argument was that defense expenditures are "out of

Proclips are unbeatable, although pricey. They usually offer 20% off coupons every month or so, however. Their mounts are all custom to the vehicle.

Proclips are unbeatable, although pricey. They usually offer 20% off coupons every month or so, however. Their

something something..."helpless victim"...something something

Wow, lets use a normalizing statistic to put things in perspective. That's real spin, isn't it. When you are a millionaire and you spend $1000 on a bottle of good wine, is that a damnable financial decision when a newlywed kid buys his wife a $50 bottle on a date?

Hahaha is an "Ahvihn-jer"

So much more than anyone else? Not even close out of GDP.

And guess what? Military spending is one of the only constitutionally-mandated federal expenditures.


According to this link, the first flight of 9M-MRD was July 17, 1997.

You are notably expert at avoiding all the basic tenets of the argument regarding UAW member behavior, and would rather keep chopping at strawmen. Bravo. You should consider running for office.

The independent arbitrator is only brought in when the UAW files a grievance, genius. They initiate the arbitration process.

The "lazy non-union management" would love to bust these guys, but its not like the UAW would allow random drug screenings, or video cameras on premises to actually allow the documentation

You are the one excusing the behavior of the employees and the UAW arbitration process of actions clearly in the wrong. They got off on a technicality and you champion it like it should have been expected.

The ENTIRE point of bringing it up was to show another example of the UAW going to bat for their members under

So, being drunk and/or high at work is an off-duty offense in your book, because the activity that got you in that state occurred during lunch off the clock? That's some winning logic right there.

So wait, you think getting caught sleeping at work gets you fired from the union?????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you just skip right over the part where I mentioned UAW arbitration and grievance for any offense? Nah, you saw it. And who the hell said that the people getting written up included this one "sleepin' in the

So union members have incentive to work hard and be good at what they do.

More money for the economy? No, just larger numbers representing the exact same amount of labor performed. What you described essentially just devalued currency for everyone, and the whole system.

Artificially over-valuing labor is the exact problem. There are too many people in the world to sustain that mentality.

Uh, actually yes. I have talked to more than a half dozen new hires over the past 3 years who are all DISMAYED whenever there are position cuts and they are first on the chopping block because of union seniority rules when they have been working their asses off, and the 20 year guy who sleeps in the corner of the

So occasional mismanagement by executives of some companies is a good rationale for unions' existence and imposition of almost identical long term consequences on a company? Bankruptcy or fire sale of a company managed in that fashion is a great example of industrial Darwinism. It's not like these clearly-failed execs

Your argument is the fairy tale here; you cant even articulate a response to support your claim. Maybe you should take a step back and stop drinking the union bullshit kool aid for a minute and at least look at things objectively.