
The 426 engine offered in the Hurst built 1968 Hemi Barracuda and Hemi Dart were "rated" at 500 horsepower. You can take that number with a grain of salt for a couple of reasons. Even though this was a factory built race car, car makers were conservative with their numbers; on the street for insurance purposes and on

You kept referring to "GAU-5", which I understood to be the USAF's designation for their old generation shortened M-16 (modern M-4 predecessor) rifles.

Most DAO guns don't have safeties, other than perhaps a backstrap lever. And you dont see the slide release right where it should be on the left side?

It does look somewhat like an XD .45, and there does appear to be what looks like a Loaded Chamber Indicator on the top of the slide visible at the beginning of the video. You can also see rifling on the inside of the barrel.

So Buick decided it was worth the EPA testing costs for the manual version of the VERANO, but on the A3 Audi said "Nah fuck it, nobody in the USA will buy our small AWD Turbocharged B5 A4 reincarnate with a stick. There isnt an entire demographic of previous WRX owners who want to grow into a more mature car."

Not the case whatsoever, if a pilot realizes he has lost tail rotor authority, standard emergency procedures are to drop collective and reduce main rotor torque to enter an autorotation. This is basic rotary wing airmanship. If you have any appreciable altitude, this is not an impossible maneuver by any stretch of the

The Mi-24 and its derivatives have a long history of its achilles heel tail rotor and tail rotor drives being the source of its losses. Looks like this was no exception.

Except all commercial Bell Helicopters are built in Mirabel, Canada.

Emails sent to the newspaper showed the dealership — which, for some reason, they did not name — was originally built for the U.S. market.

I have disgust for stupid, irresponsible financial behavior, whether its by poor people or wealthy people. When I faithfully make payments on assets I purchase that I determine can afford, and have to subsidize people (via bailouts, government intervention, property value loss etc) who buy things far out of their

You just posted an article about how extended warranties sold on new cars are a bad deal. Relevence to a used car with a much less expensive 3rd party primary coverage? Not so much.

Buying a car you cant afford and stretching the payments out over 90 months because of the warranty is far less sound of a financial

You're making some rash assumptions about my personal experience while validating the victimization mentality of blatantly poor financial decisions.

Your rationalization of someone who can't eat due to a $200 unexpected bill needing a new factory vehicle simply because of the warranty is inane. If one was THAT

someone offers you such a car for a monthly payment you can afford in your monthly budget, you're probably going to take it.

I'm pretty sure this is how poor people make poor decisions and become really poor.

Theres a big difference between having a private company compensate the loss of a worker via workplace (or private) insurance, and millions upon millions of dollars of excessive litigation, which is almost status quo today.

Are you kidding me? Do you actually know ANY test pilots? I work with them on a near daily basis, and this entire point I am making actually comes from the things I have heard them say.

"Forced"? How did we ever get along before tort law was pervasive throughout all aspects of life? We absolutely have chosen to be more risk-averse due to this shift in attitude over the past half century.

Even considering the influence of the state, when there was less government intervention through most of the 20th

The last 2 videos are of the same incident

There are 2 paradigms which cause the death spiral we see in contemporary defense acquisitions, which have arguably never been successfully implemented: