Funny thing is there is a Stevens Ford here in Milford, CT. Imagine the collateral damage.
Funny thing is there is a Stevens Ford here in Milford, CT. Imagine the collateral damage.
Its all over their Facebook. I always get a kick out of how people are offered the service in question for free in exchange for taking down their Facebook post. A) services are horribly overpriced anyway, you arent “doing the customer a favor”. and B) this is the internet. NOTHING is gone. Ever.
If it were me in this situation, I would trust absolutely no Ford dealer, so you bet your butt I would be standing there while the Ford-dealer-of-my-choosing inspected my car.
Exactly. Getting rid of the problem employees doesn’t give your clutch life back.
Oddly enough, I find the best way to do stuff like that is pick up the “program” that dealers have on display for each model with all of the packages, “O”, “S”, etc charts. Im sure there are a few “off menu” things you can order, but the bulk of the combinations I have seen are pretty set in stone and that book has…
IMHO this is not about the actual pricing, bu rather how the websites portray it. “Cheaper” is an advantage, so if you can “reduce” the price (artificially) by not showing the destination fee in the big font number, you gain an advantage over someone that might include it.
Ive bought a lot of new cars and I dont think Ive ever really used the manufacturer websites. Ill hit carsdirect, truecar, etc. They make more sense of the MSRP (actually breaking out the destination charge, etc) vs invoice.
What about the ZLolz1?
Or keeping the EPA quiet.
2nd gear:
Unfortunately it was my wife’s car and she can’t (doesnt want to know how) drive stick shift. Or else I would have considered the same thing.
Don’t forget the intangible - I bought an AWD G37 and semi-regret it. Love the car, AWD “helps” because winter here in CT is crazy sometimes.
I like the part where the supercharger is bigger than the engines of some cars Ive owned.
Our TL suffered from the horrid 5 speed transmission design. At around 65K miles, it went from shifting funny to zero forward gears in a matter of 3 miles on a highway. Honda covered 97% of the cost to fix, so I give them credit, but its made me paranoid of any automatic transmission which is unfortunate because…
Honda/Acura have always been that way. Its one thing I actually *like* about them....there are a very finite number of combinations you can buy. It makes it a LOT easier when shopping, to compare apples to apples. It sure helps Honda too since they are cranking out a finite number of combinations, have a manifest of…
Well, I think until the new MDX comes out (2020?), the Pilot even at the 50K price is the better deal, badge or no badge. You are still saving at least 8K (MSRP wise, anyway) and getting more room and stuff.
That could be.
Hehe. I don’t necessarily agree but I see where you’re coming from.
FWIW, I was looking at this gen Pilot when it first came out. Im assuming it still is like it was then: based on the MDX. At the time even the MDX did not have some of the features that the new Pilot could get.