
I don't do much pirating other than movies that aren't in streaming sites and old software like windows XP. But I'm still glad I live in latin america :)

personally I love my wife's Coby brand pacemaker

Was the name of the TEPCO employee Heniz Doofenshmirtz?

Here's one I really like: The Citi Forward card lets you redeem at $1/100pts on student loans and mortgages, and accumulates 5pts/$1 spent on "entertainment", including theaters, restaurants and bookstores. Amazon still gets coded as a bookstore, way back from its earliest days as an online bookseller. No

I'd expect ThinkGeek to have a version of this by Christmas running for about $570.

It's still racist. If a white guy starts calling any things brown with a negative connotation by a famous black person's name then it's racist. "Man, I was just in the bathroom dropping Samuel Jackson at the pool." Same thing here. Whether it's accepted or not is a different thing.

Well, they're getting paid for that half hour at least.

After UK ISPs filter porn sites, there will be up to a 98% bandwidth increase. #stuffijustmadeup

Why do you think there are subsidies for green energy though ? To protect the environment maybe?

For profit shitholes should be banned from receiving federal student aid
these worthless "schools" do nothing but hurt the lower middle class& poor.

fuck you i'm hot

Maybe we should create the Wilie E. Coyote Center for Accidental Science, set everything to random, then analyze the results. With so many good discoveries happening by accident, maybe the universe is telling us greatness lies in thinking less and doing more.

Could send man to the moon; lands a gig uploading cat pictures and debating pirates v. ninjas.

A danish toy for the US navy? Yep.

Stop-and-frisk is only in Liberty City. I've heard that the SAPD is pretty trigger-happy when it comes to minorities.

So Stringer Bell?

Remember. Mainstream news complaining about Grand Theft auto is half of their marketing campaign.

I knew a parent who wouldnt let thier child watch django unchained because there was brief nudity. Took her to see texas chainsaw instead.

I'd say not allowed on board. No fly list for 5 years lol.