
It makes sense—when you're told all your life that you have to be "twice as good" to compete "in a man's world," it's tough to feel like you have the luxury of taking chances.

Yeah, the crazy great lawyer skills of that family is what has helped them fight for freedom of speech. I don't know much about younger Fred Phelps. Off to google. Side note: I find that family fascinating, as I do most cults, but then I also feel guilty paying any attention to them. Ugh.

There is no such thing as "pro-abortion". It is "pro-choice". A choice is when someone has the right to govern their own reproductive system. I choose to not have sex. I choose to still use birth control. I choose how to live my life. This is pro-choice. Every time you choose to engage in sexual activity, every time

Nope. The truth is uglier.'re pissed that your snarky comment got snark thrown back at you? Fascinating.

"feminist nazis"

You make an anti-choice statement on a feminist site and you are OH SO SHOCKED when people respond negatively? Either you're trolling, or you are

What you said was this: Even though I am against abortion.

I ditto this! Don't let the muggles get you down

Can you really read it too many times? :)


That Taylor Swift one! Wooooo! You win today internet! You win.

I'm willing to give it another go but I won't be very forgiving. They wasted a superb cast last season, just wasted them.

noobs. i rolled to my side and went right back to sleep.

You know it's pretty big of someone as famous as Katy Perry to admit she was mistaken and change her opinion. It's difficult when your in a public sphere to go "hey I was wrong and now I've changed my mind" seriously the number of people on forums who refuse to admit their wrong is ridiculous despite the fact your

She's clearly expressing an opinion on both the Sodastream issues as well as the Woody Allen issue. She has dismissed the experiences of an alleged victim of sexual abuse by arguing the audacity of jamming actors's Google alert! She also states that she knew in advance of the international issues surrounding

Because she is not separate from it? "Dylan" called out those actors because they perpetually work for Woody Allen and often serve as muses for his work. She invokes their name because many have earned a bunch of money through him and his movies and have helped to elevate Woody Allen to the level of pop-culture

"It's not like this is somebody that's been prosecuted and found guilty of something, and you can then go, 'I don't support this lifestyle or whatever.' "

ScarJo's gotta suck up to ANY director who actually thinks she can act.

I'm sorry, "I don't support this lifestyle or whatever"? That's the reaction you'd have to someone being a convicted child molester? Child molestation is not a "lifestyle." What the actual fuck, ScarJo?