
That's pretty much it. Except when I was 18-23, I did not want to date or sleep with old guys... and that included guys 28 and older.

Who could stand to be around drunk college kids for a week?

I'm pretty sure that's what Dante described in the third level of hell.

There was a time when members within a political party didn't have to agree on every single issue. That's still mostly true for the coalition approach of the Democratic party, but the anti-RINO nonsense has demanded ideological purity.

This coming out of the mouth of a Republican is nearly heavenly.

Complete RINO. And I wish we could clone him.

I'm sorry, but that girl deserves to be charged. When your dad is confronting your boyfriend in your room with a gun, that's not the time to save your own ass.

I am not sure I could live up to a commitment to never burn the corn tortillas on the stove. I would do anything for love, but I can't promise that.

While there have been more 'adult' movies out lately, (thankfully), it would be nice to have even more character driven plots and fewer car-crash-BOOM-weapons!-BIGGER BOOM-more weapons!-SUPER FUCKING EXPLOSION!!!! themed titles. Even things I've wanted to see (particularly Sci Fi) I won't bother to, because at this

I enjoyed the wedding weekend, but they should have kept that to half the season and then used the second half for the wrap up. Was not showing Barney's baby momma and having him so in love with the baby sort of a shout out to letting gay men adopt?

Right? When things aren't working out for me I immediately (and unhealthily) assume it's my fault or at least try to figure out what I may have done to cause such a karmic shitstorm. Where can I haz some of these faultless delusions?

Right? She'll never work in politics again. Presumably when you work in politics you know that there's always a chance that you're going to have to take one for the team to protect the candidate/office holder should a scandal bubble up, but the fact that there's like zero respect for her loyalty - at least compared to

I read this story earlier on NYTimes and, like you, also didn't have much sympathy for Kelly until today. Christie reeeeallllly doesn't understand how to hide being a bully, does he? Also, I had a moment where I pictured myself getting thrown under the bus by a boss I had presumably dedicated much of my career to in

I think they don't understand their market at all. Right at this moment, I'm sitting in an upscale salad shop, literally surrounded by dudes (and they aren't eating Monster Biggun Bleu Cheese Steak Xtreeem salads, either- I spy plenty of vinaigrette). I tried to give away a Cadbury egg in my all-male office yesterday

But they are so tasty! And plentiful! And he wrote it all so seriously!

Wait, so I wasn't supposed to eat those Irish babies? Fuuuuuuu

What can we learn? That we as a species, as a society, haven't much progressed from the days of Jonathan Swift. EAT THEM KIDS.

In general, weaponized liberal outrage is a devastating resource, and we must only use it for good.

Now I've become one of those middle-aged women who looks out for young women on public transportation. I can think of two times when I was traveling alone as a teenager when a nice older lady saved me from a creep.

So, sales are down and to make up for that they raise the price? How does that make sense. Do they expect people will buy MORE if they raise the price by a buck? Whatever. Dumb move.

I think the reason for that overload is the family has some kind of deal with either one of those publishing parent companies like Bauer or the photo agency that works with them. Kris Jenner arranged a lot of this shit, even before they had their show. Or they have some arrangement with their publicist/management