
"We're missing the importance of self-care. And we can't blame anyone but ourselves."

Yea, working forty plus hours a week every week for the rest of your life and getting paid $40-50k a year is SO MUCH EASIER than having to work in Wisconsin for two weeks, make millions and then not have to work again for months. I, as a single working mother, cannot even fathom how difficult it must be for her. I

"I think it's different when you have an office job because it's routine and you know you can do all the stuff in the morning, and then you come home in the evening," she said. "When you're shooting a movie, they're like, 'We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,' and then you work 14 hours a day, and that

PLEASE let the next Dr. Seuss parody porn be "Socks on Cocks".

If covering birth control in an insurance plan is a burden on your religious beliefs just wait until you're stuck with the burden of all those female employees on maternity leave.

I know this too because the local radio station was giving out tickets for the show and I had to slam the brakes while driving because I was sure I had traveled to the year 2002.

"They sound the same when they're live!"

Man, in that header image, Kim and Nori both look like they are seeing something seriously sketch, while Kanye just gazes adoringly at Kim.

I saw the original for the first time a year and a half ago. It was wonderful. This remake makes me sad.

Well now, they can still experience it, it'll just be an illegal lei.

Also, I assumed his comment meant that, in real life, he would be going in drag since he is not, himself, trans.

Alaska is finally good at something! I say that as someone who is from there/grew up there. I wonder if it has anything to do with all the tourism?

Why stop there?

I've never been to a gym that didn't have a dress code of sorts, and pictures to illustrate what is okay and what isn't. It's like middle school: tank tops are fine as long as they cover up—men and women. It's about hygiene, not sexism.

At a time when many women didn't work outside the home, my mother made more money than my father. Mom didn't believe in separate finances. She felt very strongly that her money was hers, and his money was hers too. Because I saw how badly that worked, I always felt and my wife and I agreed before we were married,

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your approach since it seems to work great for you, but sharing an account doesn't mean sacrificing individuality. I agree with the OP that when you enter a marriage, there is no need for "mine" and "yours", only "ours". That in no way stops you from buying something for yourself

Do NOT form a corporation to setup a rental property. Bad advice and should be struck from this article (seriously, remove it) 1. Corporations cannot pass through rental losses to owners (and rental properties will usually have losses due to depreciation). 2. Corporations have to pay owners a salary in order to get

I feel like monogamy isn't for everyone, but if it's for you, staying faithful isn't particularly difficult. That's not to say those relationships don't have their own, separate problems, just that staying faithful isn't some constant struggle like it is for other relationships/if you don't buy into the idea of

I didn't read it that your partner will always cheat on you. I took it to mean that you will be cheated on in life. There will be one point in your lifetime where you will experience it, not necessarily in your current relationship. You can't continue to be bitter about it, it happened. Move on.

Houston was also attacked in Independence Day.