
I tried to watch it and failed as well.

Maybe not?

I'm more upset with the girl, too. I have a son and if there were some random stranger (of any gender) in my house at 2:30 AM that my son said he didn't know- this mom would go apeshit. Strangers in your house in the middle of the night, near your children, is an absolutely terrifying concept. I mean, why are they

Too rushed is exactly my thoughts on the matter.

We tried for that option but the person we knew with the largest back yard didn't think their septic system would handle 60 people.... we settled for the beach with a rented pavilion for keep food sand free and booze cold purposes.

Be careful Limekiller! Ed Jones has been known to churn accounts to make more moola for themselves. I've (sadly) seen it happen. Hopefully, you got a good adviser more concerned with your bottom line than their bosses.

NJ tax dollars or Sandy funds (since he doesn't appear to know what those are actually for... )?

I'm actually surprised that Kelly hasn't yet. Maybe she's saving it for summer of 2016 in hopes to make some money out of it? You know, since Christie has effectively ruined her career and a lady's got to eat.

I work in the oil field industry. These guys are always on a diet. It's anecdotal, for sure, but if oil field service guys are not the target demographic—- WHO is?

I'm trying to picture the universe's birth canal for gossip but my imagination is failing me. :-(


True. The one on the right looks like that real housewife (the one that is going to jail, I think?) and I know she doesn't look like that lady normally.

Couldn't this reach out beyond compensation? I mean, if religion trumps laws for corporations then what about hiring in general— or services? I mean, is it a slippery slope to faith based denial of credit to women (because her husband rules the house according to that there Bible) or pharmacists refusing birth control

I was just thinking that it sounded Seussian...

I don't know, my fellow Alaskan friend :-) but I do know that when I was a teenager working at KFC (ugh) people would slide tips under the cash register. So, I vouch for Alaskans being great tippers (even when none is required!)

I thought I remembered that. I tried to Google to make sure and Google rejected my question as an automatic query...

"I find that family fascinating, as I do most cults, but then I also feel guilty paying any attention to them."

I read somewhere yesterday that he will not be having a funeral. It's so weird. He used to fight for civil rights in the US and once sued Reagan for violating the constitution (separation of church and state!) because Reagan appointed an ambassador to the Vatican. I do not know what turned him into a hateful crazy

It makes me think of Stephen King's "The Little Sisters of Eluria"

The Guardian article on the matter says that the NFL views MIA's performance as an advert for MIA and thus she should pay those rates. Or something to that effect...