
Nope. Nope. Nope. I am turning this into a positive. I'd rather have KFC Hilary than the boring, old, white bread that the Republicans always serve up.

"in Maxim lookin' sultry and angry" reminds me of a 3rd Rock from the Sun where Sally was trying to figure out sexy from magazines and came to the conclusion that men like unhappy and angry women who are always looking behind them (or something like that. Long time ago- but funny show).

You know, I am! All the crap that was thrown in my young pregnant direction was that of me being too social... *elbow* *elbow* *wink*

My anti-social behavior caused my pregnancy?

Frequently double dates with Bacardi Razz...

No, you're just snagging it.

As a former single mother of 8 years: Sorry about breaking the fabric of society, y'all.

*rushes out to buy stock in Crown Entertainment (Hallmark Movie Channel)*


Right? He needs to back to the Gawker page for an education... There is some trolling talent over there!

Why, thank you! And almost dead roses are my favorite :-)

My #1 rule of internetting is: don't feed trolls named after crappy 80s bands. Feel free to ignore me, but it's made my internet experience far more pleasant.

Yeah, I'm not cool with creating a caste system wherein the wealthy and the political class get special privileges*. Not that anyone is running around trying to get a picture of my child, but it seems like a slippery slope.

You know why this millenial doesn't go? Because the internet has made it possible to share this:

I concur that I do not buy a magazine unless the cover appeals to me. Celebrities never appeal to me so... I'm one of the reasons that magazine sales are so pathetic. The last magazine I bought was this:

I knew a group of guys who played reggae inspired music, surfed everyday, smoked pot every single night— and still voted Republican.

It was! And it ate her- but I didn't get to see it. It was one of those things you just know, eh? Did you get to see the parking meter eat your husband?

My sister was killed by a bowl of pea soup (in a dream)! Yay, I'm not alone in the random things eating family members REM club!

He hates me for my freedom... I mean, money...

Why, I wonder, would, you need the Oxford, comma? She understood, the need, to spell, though.