Right? I feel inspired. Ketchup will now go with me everywhere!
Right? I feel inspired. Ketchup will now go with me everywhere!
Well, I couldn't do it alone... I'd like to thank Burt for the perfect set up, my family for their support, and the God of rich, professional athletes who just won a major competition of some kind...
Oh Burt, Texas did hit the books... it's just that the Board of Education deleted all non-Christian materials. They were unprepared but not for lack of trying.
Good morning to you, Dodai! I have no way to return the favor of making Wednesday morning better :-(
Ms. Moran, are we nominating stupid lyrics because I would like to nominate, "boom, boom, boom, even brighter than the moon, moon, moon" (lazy rhyme, Ms. Perry) and "what rhymes with hug me?" (Mr. Thicke- at least Ms. Perry actually attempted to rhyme)
I'd also venture that Miley isn't listening to the critics- I wouldn't if I were her (or any person on a national stage, for that matter.) There are a ton of legitimate criticisms about her actions and performance but there are also a ton of (negative) critiques about her body, her tongue, her musical ability, her…
I am now on the lookout for adult lady costume called "recalcitrant Dorothy."
I think Miley is too young to know the story of Hammer Time.
Not surprised. Many conservative groups seem to strive for the most juvenile arguments ever. It usually goes like this:
I complain about America giving the rich too much power.
I have never been called someone's unicorn! My day is complete!
a much cooler move?
I'd e-mail that to them but I'm at work.
I was amused by that one in it's entirety. I was like, "Was that a complaint or E! News rundown of VMA activities for elderly people?
Well, one is a book and the other is just a pile of dingy, old paper with some writing on it. :-)
I have no idea what "high-brow" books means exactly. Books that win awards? Authors that win awards? Best Sellers?
1984- I loved it. Probably because it was not on my high school must read list- so I read it as an adult and for fun.
I wasn't in the Greek system- but I was on the school Programming Council and we shared an office with the Greeks. They weren't racist or homophobic as far as I could see- heck, their system president was a bi-racial, bi-sexual mechanic.
I think (hope) that they are getting better... but it freaks out the butt-monsters and makes them *really* freaking loud.
It's very invasion of the body snatchers-esque.