
Shhh! You'll give Dove ideas

I wrote my State Senator making an equivalence to this:

So... Does that mean that I, in your mind, would be totally justified in sticking a broomstick up the anal cavity of a guy who was passed out? I mean, pass out in the middle of a dorm hallway- anyone could happen by- that he would deserve it?

While I do not object to college, it seems like that would be a lot of money to meet people who love to read :-) Also, while I love reading- writing is not my thing.

Shit! I didn't get you anything... Sorry :-(

I'm thrilled that they're passing crap bills in the house when America has real and terrifying problems. Who's concerned about the economy? Not this gal! I'm totally looking forward to starvation- it will do wonders for my girlish figure.

I had thought she was Mormon, so I googled (my NSA agent is rolling his eyes for sure) and I was wrong.

Couldn't do it. Could not get past the pic of the cover. Food huh? There is an article "What women want" and the tagline "it's way more than you think" and then a great many superficial topics.

I <3 the potato judge.

I don't know, supposedly Plath had asked her downstairs neighbor to come get her at a certain time- but he overslept.

It really isn't fair to pin on the menfolk. As I said on a previous thread, each marriage is defined by the people in it.

I think that traditional marriage is a system of norms dictated by the patriarchy and that patriarchy is bad for everyone in the end. Men advance in their careers at the cost of their wive's careers- making him fiscally responsible for the household and their *traditional* 2.5 kids... If a man, in that position, loses

I'm guessing we just have different interactions. It'd be kind of weird to bring up your urge to do anything if you know that the other person would belittle it. While I think it's an odd urge- I'm not going to insist that they stop and be different people.

I see that outfit and I just hear Olivia Newton John, "Let's get physical, physical..."

Weirdly enough, I have heard plenty of dudes moon on about wanting to get married (or, as phrased by them, they "have the wife rifle out") and, admittedly, I found it just as weird as when women are husband hunting.

Yeah, it's fun. I was having alternator issues and I went into the repair shop, "There is an issue with the alternator." and they checked it.

Only nerds like JT die :(

LOL, I was going to say- Jimmy isn't single, he's with that blond chick who got hurt in the rock climbing accident.

LOL, my thought was so close!

Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Nope.