
The fact that they want to charge a doctor one million dollars shows how much they hate choice.

You want to know something absolutely disheartening? More disheartening than the duck jammies? The girls in the picture are a "non profit organization." They show up at events for charity (this was not one of them to my knowledge) held by other organizations and raffle off sexy calenders of themselves. I know not

"The Department of Labor has announced it will fund $2.5 million in grant money to organizations that will work with the Bangladeshi government to improve safety standards at garment factories in the South Asian nation."

LOL, my initial reaction to this post was this: "My representative is on this list. Let's play a game. Who looks the dumbest?"

Man, that return argument made my brain bubble, in a good way.

No smiley for Farenthold. Take it back!

Very sweet :)

LOL at your last line-> I just finished an online Composition course at the community college in an attempt to improve my writing. My professor's instructions were not understandable, not fully stated, and often contradictory(I was actually given these two items as feedback: too little content, too much content). It

I have not watched either video and, yet, this information is *still* in my head! Why? Why?!

Does everyone think that?

I would not say that she outshines any of the Kardashians (and the concept of any of them shining....ugh) but she certain appears to be actively doing more.

Why is that one bad? I was fine at first with it and then I slowly realized that half the people I know are insane (dead fetus pic with abortion is wrong, or vaccines cause autism kind of crazy) and the other half like teasing me with beautiful food that I couldn't have because they ate it! Then one day I read a reply

Well, now you've scared the crap out of me, because *that* actually kind of had happened in the world. If you believe that babies are our number one domestic product... Romanian president Nicolas Ceausescu:

It really is stupid. Infertile couples or if a couple doesn't want kids? (If I remember correctly, the argument is that it's the intent/possibility. Shit. I'll try to find you the article)

They're slowly switching to the "biological" reasons these days. The new argument is that marriage is for babies. *sigh* You can't really blame them, they're from the land that time forgot. Science hasn't come that far for them yet. Dinos never existed, no big bang theory, women can't get pregnant from rape, humans

I actually like one reporting aspect, if I were on the dating scene again(ugh) I would very much like to know if my date was mean to animals.

I also totally appreciate it but because I freaking hate billboards.

"I honestly don't understand how someone could be anti-abortion and NOT support those things, to be honest"