
I knew there had to be a few out there! Thank you for answering my question about voting.

I have to know: Do their clothes really wrinkle as much as the reviewers say? I'm on there a lot- I love the way the clothing looks- but I really hate ironing so I've been deterred by the comments.

I'm allergic to the cats but I'm joining you. :)

I feel you. I have sympathy whenever I see anyone upset. I cried when McCain gave his concession speech- I didn't vote for him and disagreed with everything he stood for in 08 but I still cried. I feel sorrow for criminals- murderers, rapists, and so on due to the conditions of our jails, and their families loss, and

I saw "Can't we love them both?" and thought "I don't know- can you?"

Exactly, at our house my husband pays the bills because he's better with deadlines and I control the budget because I'm better with budgeting. Neither of those things is remotely connected to our genitalia.

I know! How do we explain the concept of projection to them? Just because something distracts you from logic doesn't mean that it impedes my thought process.

I *love* it. It's hilarious.

"McConnell in response to Reid's amendment swiftly placed a new bill on the table. The bill called "What Is The Stupid Little Princess Going To Do About It? Cry? Crybaby! And Unicorns Are Not Real And Dumb Act" is a five million page bill denying the existence of Mexican immigrants into the US and insisting that

"Which is a Butt" made me giggle- it was like the extra middle school maturity touch... it's funny because it's so close to reality. I'm waiting for it to truly devolve:

It could be, and probably will get, worse. I can see it in my head, the "Why Do You Hate Babies? They Have Done Nothing Wrong Act of 2019"

That is very sweet. I never reject an ehug :-)

Off topic, I'm sorry.

Goddess lingerie? If you go to their webpage you can find locations. I think the bands start at 36 and the cups go to N.

Macy's, my friend. It sounds backasswards but their bras have a broad $ range and a decent selection of pretty bras. I am currently a 32D and they even have pretty ones in this weird ass size! Oh! And they are not strictly black, white or nude!

People who have home phones? In other words, the young and hip ;)


Inertia is a good way to put it- but it happens even post parents house. My hubby and I both have good jobs (I even like my job most of the time), and all the trappings of adulthood- no pun intended :) Our life is comfortable- and to risk comfort, time, money, and have my dream fail on top of all of that... so scary.

"It’s only led me to complete awesomeness at all times."

It's been forrr...eeevvvv....eeerrrr