Yep, you sound that old.
Yep, you sound that old.
Is it just me or does “Border Patrol Officer” sound like the perfect cover job for serial killers, rapists and child molesters? Loners out in the wild attacking vulnerable, nearly untraceable people. <shiver>
On the other hand serial killers and other criminals often target sex workers because they know they're not as protected by the law. And legalizing or decriminalizing sex work could involve putting in place requirements to be continuously tested for diseases in order to keep your "license".
Here’s my problem with the movie. It’s a two-hour expansion of that single Young Indy scene from The Last Crusade...when it should actually have been a condensed version of the Young Indy TV series. If only the movie forgot about who Han Solo was going to turn into, and focused instead on making the story about a…
🎵 Shake your Robert Muller
This show isn’t really that kind of show though and isn’t it the last season? I’m calling it now it’s the dog.
Is that you, Willie Nelson? Are you still lighting up on the white house roof?
To take our women and jobs? No, that's the Mexicans. That's right, the Canadians want to make us communists.
I’ve stayed out of the US ever since the election, so not a problem.
As a Canadian — damn straight. Got a week off, where normally I’d think of Portland, maybe San Fran. Going to Mexico City instead!!
There are, however some real Class A morons that don’t use any logic or basic common sense at customs stops. Check out the Canada/US border crossings series on Netflix. Some of the situations are pretty astounding examples of stupidity.
What a great and important use of the country’s resources, cracking down on the least important thing ever.
I understand why the policy is wrong and why the article needed to be written. What I don’t understand is why would a Canadian voluntary cross the border into the US?
The fact is, marijuana is not legal and never has been.
Conversely, don’t cross into Canada or Mexico with any firearms. Not even a single round ammunition or a spent casing in the floor board.
Two solutions to this border crossing “problem”:
If I were a Canadian citizen, I would absolutely stay the hell out of America right now. Actually, if I were anyone but a white million/billionaire, I would stay out of America.
You laugh, but if we don’t crack down on pot entering the US we may very well see the country’s supplies of Doritos and Ben & Jerry’s completely decimated.
Someone needs to sic the Bobs on them.