
The only reason I keep people who are constantly frothing over about their relationships on my FB feed is because I know the breakup will be SPECTACULAR.

I learnt recently that traditionally you were supposed to use the fabric to make your kids' christening outfits. Only now understand why all those old christening outfits looked like doilies.

Other people have expressed it better in this thread, but it's not so much of a "challenge", it's just finding someone who isn't extremely passive. Finding someone who loves all the things you do is great, and in the opposites attract camp finding someone who you can bounce off of (as long as you're not just sat there

Cheer up :) Maybe you're just being a bit harsh on yourself - not every funny or interesting story has to involve belly laughs and gasps of astonishment at your exploits. What were you doing in those years of your life that you think were wasted?

If he's meeting people online, just for safety's sake there should be at least one date in a public place. Once the FwB relationship is established it can just go straight to sleepovers, but you really shouldn't be inviting anyone over (or going to their place) without at least meeting them in person first.

I don't - there's no way they couldn't have had even an inkling of what they were getting into.

She won't even refer to genitalia in the books because she thinks that's not "proper" (that's why it's all "oh jeez, he's going downstairs/gosh, he's touching me down there"). It's sex for the sexually repressed - porn is not allowed.

The point is some guy has dreamed up a situation that as far as we know has never happened. But we do know that cosplaying is not about hooking up. It's about cosplaying.

Well, we could talk about the representation of women, but we all know how that ends...

and while we're at it, the people acting all horny are the guys. They are the ones calling false advertising, discrediting a woman's work because they are pretty and whatever else. Maybe instead of blaming the woman you take a look around you and consider whether you really want to be a part of that crowd. Because if

well we could talk about the representation of women in video games, but that ends in harassment and rape threats. There is no pleasing some people and women will always be demonised whatever they do.

she's cosplaying, not going on a date. The only people implying that are some dudes on the internet who have decided that a woman existing in a public space is therefore clearly there to display herself to potential mates. I'll say it again: COSPLAY. She is literally there to misrepresent her identity.

So? If she can make a career out of cosplaying fair play to her - she clearly has talent. My point still stands: what is on display here is her talent, not her body.

She's not for sale, so it's not advertising. The only thing she's showcasing is her (fantastic) cosplaying skills.

I've read the comments, and while I understand how some people think this may have not been the best way to handle this, either because it's unhealthy or the may come to regret it, I can honestly say that there is nothing more satisfying than bridge burning.

I'm British, and we really don't go around calling everyone cunts. That word still has a lot of impact - sure, I'll call my sister a dozy cunt if she forgets where she put her keys or something, but you don't go around using it in conversation with just anyone.


I'm watching Graham Norton with Jamie Dornan, Julie Walters and Stephen Mangan. So far a guy in the audience shouted out "the books are shit!", and Julie Walters was surprised when Dornan said Grey learns to love by the end of the books/films.

For me with The Sun, it's because it's (supposed to be) a newspaper - we can discuss and debate objectification and nudity all day, but I think everyone agrees that tits aren't news.