
That's why you always leave a note.

My first car was a manual and I still texted while I drove, because I was a stupid teenager. I wised up pretty quick and got a voice-activated bluetooth headset. It might help discourage them, but at the very least, the manual will make them better drivers!

I wish we could just ban video games, look three decades into the future, show people that nothing will change, then remove the ban and get back to business.

This is why I should read ALL of the comments before commenting myself, heh.

I don't think that's passive aggression. She's pretty clearly agitated and annoyed by the situation and she's being very clear and explicit about what she wants to happen.

I'm high and I do see a difference, so I think you're good.

They have so few things to get boners about, I'm willing to let them have their adorable, misguided fun about 1812.

I always enjoyed writing in cursive when I was younger. Something about how it flowed when I was writing just felt right. As I got older most of my high-school classes required us to print, except my English teacher, because he was awesome.

The logic you assume I'm using is faulty. Think better. She used words, he physically touched her, proverbially breaking her bones. It's not a difficult concept, you just have to be smarter than a 6-year-old.

I don't understand the people who are saying they were both at fault. You are aware that words cannot break bones, right? There's even an easy-to-remember rhyme that goes with that concept, in case you're still confused. I laughed twice at "you can't talk to me like that."

I believe that Freddie Mercury watches over all of us too.

Preach it. I live in an apartment complex so when I walk my dog, I often smell weed coming from various buildings on the walk but when I go back inside, there's a HUGE difference between coming back if I smoked within the last 30 minutes or so and if it's been an hour, more than long enough for the smell to dissipate.

Yeah, pretty much this. My dad is a mental health counselor and I have two brothers and two sisters. My parents are also Mormon, so there was the whole "if you touch anyone before you're married you're so fucked" thing as well, but more importantly, my dad would have conversations with us boys about respecting women

Kotaku makes me so sad. They have fantastic stories, but I always forget I'm on Kotaku and I scroll down to the comments and then I hate everything some more.

See, that's my problem. I don't give two shits about the gender. Insert he instead of she and brother instead of sister. My point still stands. It's stupid and I don't like it, but I also don't have my own website, so all I can do is grumble and gripe.

I don't like that she's always referred to by her relationship to Stephen. The CNN link to their article about this just said "Colbert's sister wins primary". Why can't we say "Elizabeth Colbert-Busch wins democratic primary" and then mention the relationship in a different sentence? I understand she's not a household

Lol, that's what I thought. Benjamin Button 2?

5 years ago, I would have been okay with someone making a joke about the Prius running out of battery, but now that we actually HAVE widespread sales of consumer all-electric cars, there's just no excuse for a lazy Prius joke.

Agreed. Let's just teach our kids how to be respectful, not-shitty people and teach them to clean up their messes. Sure, some people are going to still pee on the seats and leave it, but saying "Well, it's going to happen anyway!" is a pretty terrible argument.