
Yeah, that was an oddly hostile generalization; I edited it to be say something more reasonable.

More like "Oh, computer operating systems."

The only way you'd run a sub-3 with a 17-minute negative split is if you got stuck behind a train for the first half.

There is zero chance an amateur runner ran the 2nd half of a sub-3 hour marathon 17 minutes faster than the first. ZERO.

I'd say paying a better pension and battling psychological sickness caused by military service are far more respectful acts than empty symbolism towards a piece of cloth.

Seems like Foxtrot Alpha slipped over to Flightclub. Seriously, soldiers do their job and get payed for it. It's a noble profession, but so is being a flight attendant.

The coats of first class passengers are hung, the coats of coach passengers are not. This guy flew coach. Why would his coat deserve special treatment? It would be a sign of respect to seat a pregnant lady or an elderly person in first class too, but does that happen when they chose to pay for coach? And what about

Read the story.

Some people get paid to talk bullshit, some people do it for free.

Anyone else think this guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about? Look at it, it's a very feminine watch with its rounded edges, it makes it playful and immature. Now if only Motorola actually put out a true 360 degree watch face, they'd be in the lead. This sounds like the typical Apple can't do anything

Pardon my ignorance, but wouldn't there be warnings available to the pilot in the event of a loss in cabin pressure, thus allowing him and the passengers to gain access to an oxygen supply in time? Or could it be possible that the loss in cabin pressure in this event was so slow that a warning was never triggered?

This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.

Welcome to Night Vale.

I'm guessing that all of this is staged, if only for the safety of those involved. Otherwise it'd be all too possible that someone might attack the poor dog.

If only I could really have a pet spider that big. We'd be best friends for ever.

Oh here we bloody go again, just a few days after the last one, another anti-spider article capitalizing on people's reactionary fears.

But guys...

Also available for Lamborghinis

Wait, cameras can't move? It seems like this would be an easy problem to solve. Make the camera pivot automatically when the rear view display is rotated.