
To be fair, it does say that there's 1 word choice correction for that one, which probably swaps 'I' and 'me'. Still, it seems like a problem to give that 100/100. Any instructor I've ever had would laugh in my face if I turned in a paper that contained "she and me".

I think it actually makes it MORE offensive that she used it that way. Not only was she using a word she shouldn't, but using "nigga" is essentially trying to make yourself sound like a stereotype of a black person as well. All around, stupid decisions from an oblivious person.

I love this.

"I'm not being dismissive"

I think desperation defines the internet.

Your first sentence also counts for pretty much everything that white (usually straight and male) people think we should just "get over". They cry "It's not equal if I have to watch what I say!" completely oblivious to the human emotions on the other side and the very real inequality pervades US society.

Pffft, please. White people assault other people for being called significantly less horrible shit than the n-word. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. He/she is obviously using hyperbole to make a point and then you've gotta go and get racist like a dumbass.

That's what I was thinking. When I first saw it I wondered if maybe Gmail accounts could receive mail to and or something, so I tried my own Gmail account as an address and it bounced back, so I decided to try e-mailing the one from the post, assuming it would

Oh, wow. That's neat. I just did some light searching and found a European trademark suit over Gmail, so I guess that has something to do with it. Now I'm even more jealous of Europe. =(

Very interesting. Yeah, it seems like he would get a ton of e-mail from this. I tried giving my personal Gmail account a reply-to address that's just my normal e-mail but when I tried to send a test e-mail, it was bounced back by I also tried sending a test e-mail to the iamrich one and it did

Very interesting. Yeah, it seems like he would get a ton of e-mail from this. I tried giving my personal Gmail account a reply-to address that's just my normal e-mail but when I tried to send a test e-mail, it was bounced back by I also tried sending a test e-mail to the iamrich one and it did

I would be pretty shocked if Google employees don't have the option to have multiple e-mail addresses for personal use.

Wait, how does he get an e-mail domain? Does he work for Google or something?

Yes! He knows he's caught and you can see that he's trying to decide if he can outrun his mom as he slowly backs away.

I wonder if God would save him from a fiery furnace if he were tossed in. Just wondering out loud here.

The first time I saw her was on SNL and I haven't seen her in anything since, but her SNL performance was really, really funny. Not all of the sketches were that great (writing-wise), but she was HILARIOUS. Her delivery is amazing.

I'm afraid I just blue myself.

I agree. I get that languages evolve and develop and borrow from other languages, but I hate that English is so widespread that new words (usually technology related) often don't get a word in other languages, just an equivalent pronunciation.

I love the dark, but I definitely don't "love functioning in the dark". In fact, I would argue that I'm significantly less functional in the dark. I also much prefer pushing my homosexual agenda in the light. Not that I won't do it in the dark, I just like to see what's going on I guess.

It makes me so depressed that your position needs to exist. God forbid people just, you know, fuck off. Good to know there are people out there willing to do what you do!