
Not a popular opinion, but this series is in the "comedy" realm, which women do not do as well in as men. Nothing wrong with that, the two genders are better at different things, and comedy in general is not done as well by women. There are some few cases where this is not true, but the general rule still applies.

Josh Brolin....there is no one else...

It's a matter of point of view, for me this post sums up why I can't stand Nintendo anymore : 9 years after, the game is the same to me. Adding 2000 polygons to your characters doesnt change a game imo, it's cool, but after 2 min you move on.

Polygon does it plenty. From what I understand over there, they were not performing so well in terms of ad clicks/views/etc and there was a shift in the narrative to add more sensationalist "gotcha" style hit pieces. They went from being the bastion of new video games journalism to employing people like this (a

Issue fatigue is a problem. When all you hear is a wall of negativity, finger pointing and blame, even my brain starts to shut off.

I'm "tired of it" because people have no business telling someone how to create their story. If you want more of a certain type of person, write your own story.

Everyone knows Remember Me was the best game of the decade. Shitty gameplay but who cares? Strong female protagonist! Game of the Year all years.

Do what exactly? Milk some retarded topic for more clicks and ad-revenue? Yeah, people like OP and sites like this will definitely achieve that goal.

I remember when there was the discussion if video games were art. You wouldn't go up to a painter and ask "why is there no depiction of "x" in your painting?" Creative freedom means not having to cater to what everyone wants. Everyone is so PC nowadays that if someone is excluded then all hell must break loose

Had Watanabe spoken in Japanese the exact same dialog he did in the film, everyone would have been fine with it. But since he speaks English, it's racist. Internet double standards, everyone!

No, I don't think game writers are up to the task of avoiding stereotypes. For one thing, my point is that any characteristic given to a certain character could be construed as a stereotype, thus making it a risk. For example: One character's unique speech affectation being construed as a racial or cultural

Games are just games. Perhaps you should focus on just seeing people as people instead of keeping tabs on their races/sexes as if it matters. See people for the content of their heart not their exteriors.

Its the people who dont see games as just games that make people say playing GTA or COD will lead to murder sprees. No gamer really believes that will happen but still some think games are to be taken as social commentary to take offense at.

Because we lost by a single goal, which is almost the definition of close when losing.

Likewise the american team can leave the world cup with their heads up high. you played a great match against us and we're deeply impressed by your goalie. that was a thrilling match!

Germany since they didn't run up the score against us.

I'm not even American and I was proud of that performance. Absolute passion. Y'all deserved to win.

this this this this this this this this this

There is no winning when someone is worried about cultural stereotypes, there is nothing resembling a true objective discussion. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own bias.

Yea I find it a little odd as well. Like, what else are we supposed to compare them to? What foundation do we have to build off of if? Besides, I don't think Waka is a cultural representation of a people or location and never was intended to be.