
Who the fuck cares? Why is this a thing? Why do we even need to know a character sexual orientation? I'm sick and tired of this stuff. Just make a damn good rpg. To hell with all this romancing crap and gay/straight arguments....I'm so sick of it.

I really cant wait until last gen dies..

I can't wait for the day this ugly ass Minecraft aesthetic dies a horrible, painful death.

Oh god just let it die already.

you man that films has always been 24 fps and people (including me) bitched about the hobbit being at 48 fps which made it seem overly smooth and unnatural in terms of film. Comparing film and TV shows to games (especially racing and fps) is literally apples to oranges since you actually have to respond to what's

Games are not movies fyi

Yes, but atleast when the PC hits a dead end on performance, we don't have to wait 10 years until we can move on. Well we actually do since the consoles took over the gaming markets, but hypothetically speaking.

60FPS is really important when it comes to things like action games, racing games, and first person shooters. They require you react very quickly, and fluid animation helps you recognize things clearly, as well as respond to them in kind. That's not to mention the controller latency issues (by the way, I'm not buying

After playing gta 4 in slow motion on the ps3, i've sworn to never touch a racegame that goes under 60 FPS again. That said, I don't even own a PS4, so i'm set on that already.

You seem mad. And if you think the bearded guy didn't crossplay for attention too then you're fooling yourself.

Why? Who made you the fun police?

Ugh, so sick of these FAKE gamer boys! He's just dressing like a whore for attention. I bet that dumb slut doesn't even actually... (sorry, I don't know enough about pokemon to finish that sentence coherently)

Most people who complain about something being wrong with Bay's adaptations usually aren't aware of how shitty and cheesy and racist and stereotypical and *insert thing here* the original series was. People bitched about Drift (who was about as stereotypical as he was since creation), people bitched about Optimus

You are aware that happened in the 80s cartoon also correct? And the comics, and almost everything else involving the dinobots

I see it like this: They are aliens to this planet, they find something cool in it, like let's say Samurai movies and other japanese pop culture things. And they try to imitate it.

It's kind of a HUGE difference...

You mean 60FPS? And yes, it is, the smoothness and immersiveness greatly goes up.

You do realize he is being sarcastic and joking right?

Finally, a death blow to "There is no noticeable difference between 30fps and 60fps."