
Oh how I do not miss doing ICC on a 1024x786 resolution

China recently arrested a 17 year old who was leading a student protest for democracy in Hong Kong, a place that mainland China agreed to allow democracy in. So I'd still say 20 years may be too soon if ever.

Yea it can, but why would they bother putting the time and money into it when the WiiU has such a small user base and the majority of its users either wouldn't be interested or get it on a stronger platform.

Holy shit 1:10-1:17 actually made me hold my breath.

"I finally bought my console because I was sick of upgrading my PC every time a new game came out."

Nothing can touch Amped.

It will be nice to have the 'definitive edition' of all the games already.

I was surprised by the sound design, it sounds like it finally has a real kick to it.

Say what? I think you need better speakers because it sounded great here.

Don't forget the wire bouncing in the top right of the car!

That streaming ability will more than likely apply to games as well in the future too.

Remember when you had to burst fire at long range? There hasn't even been recoil in CoD since 4.

Is it E3 2013 again?

That's easy, on November 11th.

Ha no, hitscan rules the day every day if you know how to aim.

Amen brother.

The guy who had a big role in the original Unreal and Unreal Tournament series is bringing a twitch arena shooter to PC, don't see why that would make you suddenly uninterested.

He said in an interview with Kevin Pereira I think it was that he wouldn't do kickstarter.