
I was really liking Polygon for awhile until recently. It was like they hired an influx of freshly graduated women's studies majors to write opinion pieces for them.

Talking about diminishing returns with the WiiU..that's funny.

They explained this in the first film..when arriving they searched the web and each found personas from it that they liked and took it on.

Some bad FPS drop in the night defense footage.

Well said, these current trends are really making me scared for the future of gaming.

Yup exactly. Bit of Last of Us spoilers below:

Wait what? I didn't know there were two, I was thinking of the one they showed the snippet of at e3 this year.

Yea you're right, I should of said above average but still not top end for the 360. The fact that the new consoles are farther behind current PC hardware at launch than ever before still stands though.

Naw, it'll still be a bit until a $500 PC will be better than the current consoles, it just won't be long until it happens. Despite $200 cards being the same spec wise you still have to consider how much more to the metal developers can get to on consoles. You know how much a driver update can help a games performance

You missed my point completely, no I didn't expect them to ship with current high end PC hardware, just something that isn't outdated from the gate. As I pointed out almost every console before these (not including the wii or wiiu) were comparable spec wise to good PCs when they launched while still being "accessible

I know, I was just giving an example of how top end PC hardware has never been this much more powerful than a console at launch until now.

Despite owning every Nintendo console before the Wii the only exclusive I'm attached to is Zelda. So if the new one is good then it'll be three.

Don't worry, once everyone gets used to 60fps videos on youtube the war will come to a swift end.

Yup, I said this in another comment but I remember when side scrollers like Mario were too graphically intensive for PC when they launched. At least until John Carmack worked his magic. The fact that hardware this weak is what we'll be stuck with for at least 8 years is depressing. I suppose one good thing is once I

For me, a consistent 30 fps game I can live with in everything but first person shooters. Anything else I just can't stand because it feels sluggish and unresponsive, especially when playing online.

Actually this is the first generation of consoles that have launched being a full step weaker than competent PCs. When the 360 launched it was pretty powerful compared to what the average PC owner had. Hell back when The Nintendo Entertainment System launched computers weren't even capable of playing something as

No, Verizon. I'm just lucky to have multiple providers in my area so there's some semblance of competition with pricing.

Yes it does, movies too.

But wait, I thought the human eye can't even really notice anything past 30 fps?? No really though, I'll be waiting for the people who say it looks like it's moving too fast, or is too clear, among other dumb comments.

My eye twitches whenever I read comments like this.