
USA citizen here, 100 up and down no caps, bring the measly 500mb downloads.

That's because starting with the 6 series Nvidia put on board H.264 encoders on their cards so it's almost as good as having a dedicated capture card. Where as I believe FRAPS uses mostly CPU.

I know man, I look at this and just become so depressed. I look in the mirror and cry at the realization that I'll never be able to look like him, I need to find a steroid dealer asap.

No, Freesync will require an AMD card.

Mantle doesn't even help all AMD users, only ones that have bad CPUs see any large performance boost.

Until AMD comes out with the equivalent of shadow play I don't think I can ever even consider going to them again. Being able to record at 1080p 60fps with a high bitrate (or streaming at 1080p) while seeing barely any performance hit with no capture card is a big deal for a lot for people. I'm definitely fascinated

The amount of people who think this is a good thing is really disturbing.

Xtrac Ripper series mouse pads. Lots of people underestimate the difference having a high quality mouse pad can have and think a nice mouse will completely cover it. I use a Logitech MX518 mouse which is by no means bad and there was still a very noticeable different with I got my Ripper XL. The best example I can

Xtrac Ripper series mouse pads. Lots of people underestimate the difference having a high quality mouse pad can have

Shit you're right, forgot Rockstar published but didn't make it. I remember being so excited by the first GTA V videos showing that white reticle thinking they were incorporating Max Payne 3's shooting mechanics :(

I'm wondering how they even got to be anything larger than a single dev team. I don't remember any of their games being too big of hits or their engine being licensed to that many games.

You can't SLI two different cards. You would need to get another 770.

Did you even read the article?

Because having options is a bad thing, calm down.

What's wrong with the movement in Max Payne?


Like idiots they locked some of the physics to FPS. So increasing the FPS will make some things go crazy.

If that were the case he'd pretend to say he's a gamer like Jimmy Fallon.

Pretty shitty reason to play an FPS where all you'll see are his hands and feet.

That moment when you hear the whoosh going over your head.