
And here's part of the problem in society today, the word racist is thrown around on a whim. Word it going to lose its meaning within the next two years.

Lady Stoneheart is a dumb story line, I don't know why people are so obsessed with her.

I see some one hasn't played a twitch shooter at over 60 fps. Anything less than 85 fps in UT or CS is practically unplayable to me.

Here's a good post I found somewhere else on the topic, Keep in mind this is a new engine so they would have to start from scratch. Just from watching the demo you can see how much more precise movements are in Unity compared to the previous games so I doubt it would be less work.

Ugh, he probably drives a car too, what a privileged asshole.

A game about stabbing a sick man while he's in the bathtub sounds riveting.

Holy shit I can see your women's studies major from here.

Yes, continue miss quoting them to prove your point.

Why do you think? Anything they say on the subject gets hammered. If they say even one wrong word it will get twisted and hurt either them or the company.

Now tell me, which ones sold the most?

I like how you took one discussion and make it about you and your problems. It's all about me me me these days with everyone.

Weird, I never felt like my immersion was ruined when playing a female sheperd, or Tomb Raider, or any other female characters in game. Then again I don't go and be offended by everything.

The CoD this year is literally the first one to have a three year cycle.

How many of those people who work on games have worked specifically with the Unity engine? Also, how many of these developers have worked on a game that revolves around parkour requiring each animation to be perfect to look believable?

When will people stop using this twisted statistic, it's the game version of the wage gap myth.

Actually 25 percent of those female gamers are on consoles, that statistic took into account mobile gamers which is what most females prefer to play on. Guess what too, since more women buy mobile games than men more mobile games have started to target that market. It's almost like businesses wants to make money, not

All you have to look at is title IX in schools. Despite not as many women joining sports colleges are required to keep a 50/50 ratio, which meant limiting rosters or flat out removal of men's teams. No common sense goes into thinking about these things, it all must always be 50/50 no matter what. That is unless women

"I just know I got the Orange Box that day and played HL2..."

There is no comparison to be made between EAs servers and Mircrsoft's Azure.