
Yes "only" when compared to the 50 percent number I'm always seeing. I have no problem when people requesting and game developers adding more female characters, but demonizing Ubisoft for this is just ridiculous for reasons plenty of other people have already stated.

Having that many teams work on the game actually makes me believe them even more. They wouldn't have that many people working on the game if they weren't having issues getting the game finished in time and have a shit ton of other things to finish.

Women gamers only take up 25 percent of the console community.

Why do people keep using this number when it's extremely skewed? This number includes mobile games which is were the majority of women play their games, only 25 percent play on consoles.

Well stylized games like all of Nintendo's new WiiU releases are a lot easier to make look good with lower resources. Not that I don't love how they look.

I just use one of these with a wireless xbox 360 controller - . Works perfect, love playing my PC games on the home theater, but any serious online action still takes place at the computer with mouse and keyboard.

The thing that sucks is this kind of thing is going to keep making its way into games and start actually making big changes. Once these kind of agendas set their eye on something they don't stop until they get what they want and will demonize anyone with a different opinion.

I found the ultra liberal.

The only way for the games on the WiiU to look decent when compared to the XB1 or PS4 is to make them all extremely stylized.

No, that's just your average Japanese digital male.

The fact that he's more reserved adds to the fact that he is the best of the best. A soldier that was trained since he was a child isn't going to yell nonsense or speak out of turn, he speaks when he has something important to say. Personally I think Halo 4 did a great job of showing how Cortana is starting to bring

I know, and I personally do like the idea of Batman mastering his skills to the point where he needs no armor like other versions of the character. However, every since its creation Batman has evolved in many different ways and the realm of him building something like this for himself isn't far fetched.

Jesus everywhere I turn there's another comment nit picking what Batman is or isn't about, or what he would or wouldn't do.

Why not, they're both filthy rich geniuses.

Welcome to the future of gaming, where things get forced into a story to make certain groups feel 'represented'.

Worst ones*

Microsoft has me by the balls with this announcement.

I came when they said halo 2 multiplayer, I am so damn happy right now

No thanks, I'll take the futuristic trend.