
How well does that work? I've been meaning to try streaming to my laptop on another floor but have been too lazy.

I think the reason his death hit everyone so hard (even people who have read the books like myself) was because of how amazingly well Pedro Pascal portrayed the character. I mean in the books he was a cool guy and all, but the added scenes that the show added with him and Pedro's capturing it perfectly made Oberyn my

Re watch it right before the fight starts. They show his squire wiping the blade with a damp cloth.

Ahh the M50's, my introduction to true headphones, still love them. I did the same thing with the mic except I went with the zalman Zm-Mic

Hasn't Sony's servers always been slower with downloads?

Nope, you need full concentration on the ice cream sandwich, anything less is unacceptable.

This shit really makes me scared for the future of games because you know this PC movement is only going to get worse.

Just like every military shooter is like CoD/Battlefield, and any third person game is like Gears of War.

Then get more people and go to the root of the problem which is your ISP. Things are going to go digital and file sizes are going to get larger whether people have faster internet or not.

Yes, not only brand name as others have said, but also because if they named it something else everything would be yelling and complaining that it's just Battlefield with cops.

24 is only the standard because that's all everyone has known, but it's not the best experience compared to higher fps films. There's nothing better about it other than it's what people are used to and they refuse to accept anything else.

From what I remember 24 fps becamethe standard for so long because it was cheaper, easier to handle, and looked good enough. Higher fps films look better in every way but people can't seem to realize that the 'cinematic experience' they're clinging onto only seems that way because it's all they've ever known. If given

"So [to make] all those lights [work] with this fidelity means, I think, until the end of this system most people won't have any clue how to make that run 60 and look like this."


I'm also 25, and the thought that all these kids were born after the year 2000 made me feel old.

Yes but certain FPS's feel a lot better and are more fun to play than others. The same goes for third person and so far the actual gameplay looks less than stellar.

You mean to say 24 fps isn't accurate for shooters ;).

If you liked Wolfenstein why did you hate Tomb Raider's cover? Other than one being first person and the other third they're really similar in that you don't push a button to actually take cover. I was actually impressed with how fluid going in and out of cover in Tomb Raider was.

The thing that really gets me is all the bitching and arguing about which console is getting what resolution or what fps. Then a PR guy comes along coining a more cinematic experience and you suddenly have people defending this idiotic logic.