
Not only this but did you see how he still managed to prop up the ps4 in the same article? Instead of a story about a feature the xbox has and ps4 doesn't, he has to add that the ps4 doesn't have it "yet".

There. You said almost everything I wanted to say about the headline. But you know... Luke Plunkett.

It's not anti-Xbox, it's just good ol' sensationalism.

The saddest part is both the PS4 and the Xbox One supported playback of pirated DVDs since launch. So the headline is truly fucking pointless. It's either supposed to be taken as a fanboy jabby kind of "joke" or just a completely uninformed statement. Either way I'm not surprised.

"Somebody better fucking mention Amped"

This. A million times...this ! Amped 1 is still one of my favorites.

modded = modified. You download a mod to modify your game, therefore you modded it.

Yeah, exactly! Everything is bass-filled "thuds" and "pops" rather than treble-y explosions. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been excited for something based on sound design alone, but this may be the first CoD I've cared to hear more about since CoD4.

Yeah totally understandable to send death threats, belittle the X1, and call this the fall of TR. Yeah get out. I understand, a game going Multiplatform to exclusive sucks...I KNOW THAT, but some of these reactions are way out of hand. Besides if Square Enix didn't keep Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy XV

MS destroying Sony with updates... shocking. Sony needs to get it's shit together or their 2 to 1 lead is going to disappear.

Does it mean if it was a Plastation exclusive it would have been totally okay?


hard to say "yes"with no xb1?

Such harsh limitations! Accepting a couple user agreements and maintaining the same subscription you need to play online! And OMG!!! You have to register an ORIGIN account?! Oh wait, most EA games do that for the out-of-game or cross-platform content.

I'm willing to bet Activision/whoever allows hacks in the older CoDs so people would be forced to "upgrade" every year. If it weren't for the hacks, I would still be playing CoD4.

Well duh, it's not on PS4.

Really, so instead you suggest these companies to do the same thing instead of introducing a better product to compete with Steam and Ps NOW and just go out of business by losing in sells to the better product?
Do you know how competition works? Competition benefits the consumer. Things like this will keep the other

Though I love owning physical copies of my games, I generally do not play many EA games, other than Mass Effect and KotOR. Giving this a shot for a month to see if it's something I like. Might as well not diss until I see it in action.

Dang. This is the first time since both systems came out that I'm jealous of X1 owners. Sony needs to kiss and make up with EA so I can get this.

I support this business model. I really dont get thoe's who oppose it.