
Judging from the comments in this article, the Sony fanboys are in a state of denial over a completely non-accurate poll someone made.

This is why Sony fanboys are the worst. It doesn't matter whether the Playstation is doing good or bad, you will take any opportunity to shit on the competition.

More like lots of PS4 owners complaining.

That's why his segment is funny. He has no respect for gamers or gaming industry which gives him an unbiased funny perspective. I bet 90%+ population feels the same way as he does. I like him and his game coverage. I hope he keeps it up.

Yeah, it's the sort of "clueless onlooker" that makes it good. He doesn't play games, so he notices how ridiculous some things that have become completely normal to us, actually are! Makes for good entertainment!

That's the joke.

Oh he does not give a single f about video games. But I personally don't care, I like this role he has of the outsider pointing out the absurdity of some things in the gaming sphere.

But that's not even true, unfortunately. Yanks refers to the US, and in the US, animated/drawn/non-real depictions of child pornography are legal because they're protected under First Amendment rights unless deemed "obscene."

Why are all of these camels covered in straw!?

Too little, too late. Already traded in for the new Wolfenstein, probably one of my best life choices.

If they patch the E3 textures/graphics out it'll be the final straw on the camel's back.

Kotaku needs to check their privilege.

They sure thought it was a big deal when he wasn't a woman.

I for one look forward to playing as a character I can identify with. #prettymanproblems

I get it I get it we're gonna show how progressive we are by not even acknowledging that he's Asian.

Thank you.

Why isn't there a female lead?! This is ridiculous they should blah blah blah jezebel blah blah.

So? The game is fps and we just see his hands. Big deal what he looks like

Still not going to go back on the "problem" of Far Cry 4's boxart, eh Kotaku? You know, the "problem" where everyone thought that it used racist imagery via white people, when the villain actually wasn't white? And now the main character isn't white either, but no celebrating? No victory for the underrepresented?