
Because a PC that can run all games at full settings totally costs 2 grands...*rolls eyes*

Or because Ubisoft devs don't give a toss about PC at all.

Yeah, that happens when you do something wrong. He reported it, so that's all he should have done. It'd be like if someone found the door to a store unlocked, called the manager and told them, and then when they didn't immediately come down and lock it, the person went into the store and set off the alarm and messed

So he reported it once and it was overlooked or forgotten and instead of reporting it again to remind them he said screw it and did something that will make them have to stop what they are doing just to give this kid some unnecessary attention. I don't understand all the people taking the kids side. What he did was


The difference is that this video has literally cherry-picked from games to suit her 'women NPCs treated as sex objects' while ignoring the other female roles (many of which are touted as being some of the best out there such as Bonnie in RDR or Faridah in Deus Ex). At one point she uses the Asari despite the fact

so we completely ignore the former, which is a central part of the game, and focus on the latter, which is an optional homage to older films and cartoons..

They don't even put women in the background. Bonnie is very much a main player at the beginning of the story, and is quite independent especially for the time period. There's also the woman in Mexico (who's name escapes me as it's been sometime since I played the game) who plays a role in the rebel side, even if

Kotaku's own Stephen Totillo has promised in the past to feature counter arguments to Anita, and yet they have never done so as far as I am aware. When will we see Kotaku keep their promise and stop showing only one side of the argument?

Doesn't even put women in the background, one of the major characters early on is a woman. Ignores that though.

This isn't just a matter of women being relegated to supporting roles in popular big-budget games, however. More often than not, these female subjects that fill out the background of the world in a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Red Dead Redemption aren't subjects at all. Rather, they're built as virtual

I think that's exactly it. He's not a terrible actor by any stretch of the imagination, but he needs a really great script, and some of his line readings in GOT still come off not that well delivered (but I blame a lot of that on his accent).

I'd imagine a bit of testing how their servers handle various loads and a simple marketing beta. Marketing betas called true betas or even alpha's are far, far too common nowadays, especially in MMO's.

I also like him in Elf, The Station Agent, 30 Rock and X-men — and his voice performance in this still blows.

I can understand that, but to offer a contrary viewpoint, it's your job as an actor to deliver the best performance possible regardless of what that performance is for or consists of. After all, I'm guessing that when an actor signs a contract with a company to perform, there probably isn't a clause saying they don't

Seems like a mixture of bad writing and Dinklage not giving a fuck.

Do you want Navi? 'Cause that's how you get Navi

I also love in that top scene how Stannis does not even flinch. He knows he is surrounded by well trained men and he does not habor any illusions that this attacker is going to land a blow.